
Sorapoli is not the first city founded by the Alatash, but is has become their main capital. Founded in a cloud city over Mt. Sortiru, this city floats like the crown over a towering king, especially since this mountain is not a part of some mountainous range. Sorapoli is just about a purely Alatash city, and it is the pride of many Alatash everywhere.


Sorapoli is almost 100% Alatash, with the exception of the people who temporarily come to stand below its lofty cloud city. Sorapoli is ruled by a king and:
  • 10% of its people are upper class
  • 70% of its people are middle class
  • 20% of its people are lower class (Most poor Alatash live in the eastern or western districts)


Sorapoli is ruled by King Enkunshi Kira and his table of wealthy noblemen. The noblemen govern aspects of Sorapoli from safety and justice, to education, to how to handle the poor.

Industry & Trade

Sorapoli is known for its air crystals. Originally found in the mountains of Garrenis, the inhabitants of Sorapoli have discovered a technique of growing the air crystals larger, better, and more numerously in their floating city. Creating pockets of dense cloud, these crystals, due to their sky affinity, can be grown fairly easily and cheaply, and the otherwise dry environment provided by the Great Helleran Plains make these crystals the number one export of Sorapoli. Sorapoli also trades wild game to other surrounding cities. The wilder and more rare the game, the higher the price, and the Sorapolians are the only ones daring enough to hunt for them.   However, Sorapoli does have to import a good deal of food and clothing, as the land they live in and around doesn't really lend itself much for those things.


Sorapoli has many different key structures. This cloud city is most famous for its Kira Docks, a place where great trade happens to keep Sorapoli well supplied. People from near and by come to the trading town below the city and exchange their goods for the home grown air crystals that Sorapoli are constantly farming to ensure the city remains afloat as it is, without much effort on the inhabitant's part. These docks have large cranes that can transport both goods and people to and fro from the surface of the mountain below.   Sorapoli also has shrines to both Mishabar and Anteros, Silvester's academy, a castle for the king and two main buildings that house the crystals that keep Sorapoli afloat.


Sorapoli hovers over Mt. Sortiru, which is a very high and solitary mountain just above the Great Helleran Plains. Half of the city floats above the grasslands of the plains to the south, and the other half over the less dangerous normal jungle fields to the north.

Natural Resources

Sorapoli has an abundance of wild and ferocious creatures below in the Great Helleran Plains, and air crystals, which were not native to the area, but with how much they farm the crystal, it is now more common sight.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Cloud City


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