The Creator

Supreme God Creator

For the longest time, there was darkness.

Nothing existed, nothing made a sound, there was literally nothing but an empty void, and ONE BEING.

  One Being so powerful and pure, and yet so ready to turn back the tides of nothingness to create something. That Being was nameless to all, for nothing existed to know Him, and just when you would assume that would forever be the way things were going to be, that Being opened His mouth and spoke...   And as He spoke, suddenly from the void came matter and energy, in portions so large, so staggering, that if anything but that being were alive, it would instantly be obliterated by the blast of His creation. White light, filled with every color, shone as bright as a sun with no filter! Matter expanding ever outward, hotter than any substance could bear! And at the height of all the excitement, with a gleam of excitement in His eyes, the being spoke again and that matter began jerking, expanding, and contracting into shapes of all sizes and ways:   Some formed spheres, others ovals, cubes, and oblongs, and then others took on the shape of actual beings!   With a breath from His mouth and by the vibration of His words, the matter began forming into beings like Himself, and where there was once one being, there now formed 2, then 3, then 10, then 1,000! From one being, came a host of beings, created to resemble small portions of the First...   And it was beautiful.   To each being, He spoke something so private and intimate that it became who they would become. He spoke out their entire lives before they were conscious of their existence; and with a strange mixture of both excitement and yet unexplained sorrow he breathed life into them, giving them not only the ability to live out the lives He planned for them...   But the ability to choose if that's the direction they wanted to head.   So it came to be that when He had finished, He rested. A Being with infinite power, presence, and ability: rested; to allow His creation to stretch out their new bodies and begin to experience and shape the universe they were born into. He had created gods like Himself, and He had given them the grounds to express the purpose of their creation.   He had given them a cosmic playground, filled with fertile yet lifeless matter and energy to be reshaped and formed into whatever they pleased, so long as they remain within the boundaries He designed to keep them safe...   But He knew that not every one of His creations would stay in those boundaries, and He alone knew that was the sorrow He felt when He birthed life into His creation...   But He also knew He did not want to spend eternity in a lifeless universe nor create intellectual slaves, thus knowing what needed to be done, yet for now, He rested, allowing what He made to discover who they were, and what they could do.  

Among the first of His creations, who is referred to as the Second Born, was Mishabar.

Mishabar was created among the first beings for the purpose of keeping all who would choose to use their free will to stay with the First Being united and protected. He was created to be the God of Unity: an important force the First Being knew would be necessary to keep the universe from collapsing and allowing the coming death to reign supreme.   In order to keep Mishabar in check, the First Being placed limits on him, so that as those in the universe remained united, Mishabar would need to give out much of his life force to keep the unity strong...   But if that unity were to be broken, all the power would return to Mishabar and he would become almost as powerful as the First Being to restore unity and hold the coming death and evil at bay.   Immediately the First Being created other gods that would cover other sorts of life and matter: Among them was Aldriel who would be the creator of much of the universe, not only creating celestial objects and beings, but also time itself. He created Qrow, His keeper of knowledge, who would have an unrelenting hunger to know more about his creator and that which He made. The First Being also made Anteros, the God of Love and Emotion, who would help Him in making life across the universe and help it grow.   All this and more He made, and He rested when He had finished... And as He rested, Aldriel created time which began to pass, for she turned much matter into stars that would rotate and move, ebb and flow in such a pulsating way, it could be recorded and watched from anywhere in space.   Before you knew it, the blinding light in the universe took shape as stars began to be molded into the spheres that they are   Galaxies formed and sang inaudible songs of joy and adoration at their birth   And life began, and time passed:

The first days had just begun.

Divine Domains

The Creator is over every good domain and especially all of creation, as his name implies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Creator refuses to allow people to even attempt at making images of himself. Not only is it a fruitless endeavor, the Creator understands that making an image somehow in his likeness, will cause that person crafting an idol, to fall in love with the idol over falling in love with him.

Tenets of Faith

The Creator primarily asks two things of any of his followers, knowing that if they were to obey him in these two areas, they will accomplish much in life:
  1. To love him with everything within them that they can
  2. To love others as they love themselves

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of the Creator is for all of his creation to be redeemed if it has fallen, for it to prosper, and for it to reflect himself in some shape, way, or form, all while doing so of its own free will. The Creator never forces his will upon others, though he always eventually calls each creation to live out the life he designed them to follow. The Creator knows that it is in him that all of his creation is fulfilled and comes most alive.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Creator is completely formless, except that he is also light.

Body Features

The Creator has no real body features, but he is able to take on any form he wishes, and can sometimes disguise his entire presence as a normal, unsuspecting mortal. However, being omnipresent and omnipotent, the Creator can take on infinite forms simultaneously, everywhere, and of any gender.

Facial Features

The Creator, also having no real body, also have no real facial features. Like before, nonetheless, the Creator can take on any face he chooses. If the Creator wishes to show his most truest form, no one can ever fully see his face, it is always hidden.

Identifying Characteristics

The only real identifiable feature of the Creator is only seen when he is in his truest form. The feature is that he glows as light itself.

Special abilities

The Creator is omnipotent and thus can do and create anything and everything. Because of this, the Creators most underrated and surprising ability is his own power to restrain himself so that his creation can safely live in and near his presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Creator is the All-God, maker of all things that exist within reality, both good and evil. However, despite the fact that the Creator made things that are evil, he never made them to do or be evil. Whether or not a person corrupts and does wrong in the Creator's realm is completely up to the individual. Nonetheless, this does not mean that the Creator supports and never interferes with his creation gone evil; in reality, the Creator plays the highest form of metaphorical chess and allows each piece he's created to remain in play until they either reach a point of redemption or corrupt themselves so far so as to never be redeemable and must be eternally punished. Interestingly enough, the Creator does not do contrary to his name and destroy. Thus if one of his creations becomes extremely corrupt, instead of wiping them from existence, the Creator instead creates a place that mirrors and reflects the evil within the corrupted being and lets them reap virtually everything they sowed while he gave them time to redeem themselves. This place is often referred to as Hell, as there is usually nothing but stone-cold narcissism and the manifestation of that behavior, become real, for the offender to ever receive for all eternity forward.   It is important to note that the Creator has always been and will always be across every realm, every plane, every existence including our own. The Creator never began and he will never end. The Creator is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Even to the gods themselves, it is known all the places the Creator has been, given that he is everywhere, and the Creator likes to leave that a mystery to be discovered, either by looking or asking by anyone who is interested.


The Creator is omniscient and immediately knows about everything that comes into existence, down to the most intimate detail. In fact: the Creator knows every detail about every thing that ever was, is, or will be.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Creator has created everything that currently exists, as well as all things that had existed and will exist. The Creator exists outside of time entirely, yet can also insert a part of himself back into time in order to remain in constant communion with those who wish to be with him.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Creator has no needs and is the standard for all things good, pure, and loving. Therefore, the Creator is perfect.

Mental Trauma

Having no needs, it is impossible to traumatize the Creator.

Intellectual Characteristics

The Creator is very interested in all of his creation, and being omniscient, there is not a moment that slips by the Creator that he doesn't notice. There is virtually not a single detail in the lives of all of his creations that the Creator doesn't care about.

Morality & Philosophy

The Creator is perfect, having no needs and thus being the standard for all things good. Being the Supreme Deity, the Creator is the standard for:
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness
  • Gentleness
  • Self Control
The Creator not only exudes these characteristics, he literally is them.

Personality Characteristics


The Creator is always motivated by love and the desire to create. The Creator is never selfish, so he is constantly creating things for others to enjoy, while he enjoys them enjoying their own lives and each other.

Virtues & Personality perks

The Creator never wastes his words. When he speaks he means every word and does not mean what he doesn't say.


The Creator is pure and holy and therefore no blemish exists in, on, or around him. Those who enter his presence unprepared are either made cleansed are pure, or their own impurities cause them to immediately die in the Creator's presence.


Contacts & Relations

The Creator has always, and across all realities, realms, and planes, been in constant communion with seemingly equal Supreme Deities: The First Born, and an equal yet separate part of himself, sometimes only referred to as his own spirit.
Divine Classification
Supreme Deity
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
The Creator knows all languages there ever were, are, or will be, and he knows them all fluently. The Creator also has a language of his own that is impossible to replicate or understand, but that is felt by all who hear it. It is with this same language that the Creator creates.
Character Prototype
The Creator is patterned off of the Judeo-Christian God.


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