
43 points
Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20]; HT+1 [10]; ST-2 [-20].
Secondary Attribute Modifiers: HP+1 [2].
Advantages: Blunt Claws [3]; Damage Resistance 1 [5]; Fearless 2 [4]; Flexibility [5]; Hard to Subdue 3 [6]; Hard to Kill 3 [6]; Innate Attack (1 FP, Blood Agent, Cyclic (1 minute, 5 times), Follow-Up (Teeth), Limited Use (1 per 5 days), Melee Attack (C), Onset (1 minute), Resistible (HT-5), Symptom (Numb)) [1]; Sensitive Touch [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Striking ST 1 [5].
Disadvantages: Chummy (12) [-5]; Compulsive Travelling (12) [-5]; Hard of Hearing (-2) [-5].
Perks: Patience of Job [1]; Scales [1].
Quirks: Dull [-1]; Playful [-1].
Features: Born Biter 1; Cobra Hood.

[1] Compulsive Travelling - Kelderci love to travel, and will do so at any given opportunity. They may stay in a location as long as there are immediate concerns to take care of, even if those concerns are menial, but as soon as a stationary schedule sets in, they must make a Self Control roll every week to not wander off.

Basic Information


The Kelderci are a significant departure from the Zhirerco, being fully humanoid creatures with both arms and legs. Their entire bodies are covered in scales, and they retain the hood and venomous fangs of the Zhirerco. In addition, their internal organs are significantly different, with a stomach more oriented towards eating small, consistent meals with a full digestive tract, and a warm-blooded circulatory system.   A typical Kelderci will reach not much more than five feet tall, with a compact physique and thin scales. They are known for their toughness, indifferent to wounds that would be fatal to most humanoids, and a potentially unhealthy lack of fear, leading to a tendency fight to a long, bitter death. Additionally, Kelderci bones are primarily free floating, allowing for an impressive amount of flexibility, though this does lead to a lack of anchor points for muscle.   The main morphological characteristic for Kelderci males is the pattern of colourful scales on their backs, normally shades of red, brown, yellow, and white. Blue and green scaled Kelderci are exceedingly rare, and are typically seen as an omen. Female Kelderci have solid patterned scales with slimmer physiques, with their main morphological characteristic being the shape of their hoods.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kelderci reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will produce a single egg, and much like a Zhirerco, hold it in her body until it hatches. The egg will typically incubate for six months, and will remove themselves from the mother's body once they hatch. The hatchling relies entirely on their parents for sustenance for two years, after which they become self-sufficient. However, it will typically remain with its parents for at least 10 years before venturing out.

Ecology and Habitats

Unlike Zhirerco, Kelderci are fully warm-blooded creatures, but they still prefer warm and dry climates, residing mostly in deserts far away from oceans and rivers. Groups of Kelderci will quickly form settlements in any newly found suitable location, which will soon attract travelling Kelderci and become a permanent settlement. These settlements are sometimes disturbingly close to existing settlements of other humanoids, who often think of Kelderci as a particularly invasive species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kelderci are omnivores, with no particularly preference to meat or plants, typically with a diet of whatever happens to be closest at the time. Permanent settlements of Kelderci will strive for balanced meals with both meat and plants.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kelderci are characterized by a nomadic social structure and a constant desire to travel, never staying in one location for more than a few years. Kelderci settlements tend to be more similar to way-stations, manned by a few Kelderci who wished to settle for a small amount of time, though Kelderci are fascinated by the larger cities of other species. When permanent settlements do form, Kelderci politics tend to be conservative, with change being slow and itterative.

Average Intelligence

Kelderci have average intelligence for a humanoid, which mixed with a certain sense of stubbornness, have led to an iterative approach at technological development. Kelderci will enjoy tinkering with existing technology, typically from other species, and making small improvements, but will rarely create anything truly new.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kelderci senses are fairly standard for humanoid species, with a developed sense of sight and smell. They retain the Zhirerco internal vibration organ, with one located in their head and in each hand, though they are individually far more developed, allowing for less dulled hearing. The smaller sensors in each hand allow for a very developed sense of touch, which is often cultured used as a primary means of communication.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Anguis Magna Solitudinem
60 years
Average Height
1.5 meters
Average Weight