
Myrimar is the God of Warriors, Rage, and Righteous Justice, concerned both with those who fight for glory and honor, and the undisciplined hordes who fight against larger powers for survival and freedom. He is known as the most tempestuous of the Gods, seemingly unconcerned with the death and carnage his followers cause, spurring them forward into a battle rage. Few worship Myrimar consistently; rather, worship is built of convenience, and those who find themselves needing the will to break free of their chains or rise above martial adversity find Myrimar a caring God. No churches of Myrimar exist, though some cults can be found spread throughout the land.   Myrimar is also known as the God of the Mutaphil, as he is commonly worshiped or kept in the minds of unstable Mutaphils, especially those wholy rejected by society. This has done little to improve the standing of either party, but of the few known Divinomancers of Myrimar, all have been unstable Mutaphils of one sort or another. Theologically, little is known of Myrimar, as he has never been known to speak or give commandments, and there is no official version of any codes.

Holy Books & Codes

Myrimar has no known holy writings or codes. Some theologists speculate that these codes exist as oral traditions somewhere in Drisenheim, but these theories have been uncorroborated. Others speculate that by the time one is in a position where worshiping Myrimar seems wise, no further knowledge is required.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Myrimar has no official symbol, but the most culturally identifiable symbol associated with him is a cast golden mask, with no particular pattern or standardization. However, this symbol has appeared in multiple seemingly unconnected cultures as the symbol of Myrimar, leading to some belief that it is correctly associated.
Divine Classification