
A Mutaphil is a fundamentally unstable offspring of another Mutaphil, part of an ongoing process known as the Mutagenesis. No Mutaphil is exactly the same, each with their own particular eccentricities and abilities. Mutaphil that differ from their Etherine ancestors by a large enough margin tend to have severe medical issues that lead to early deaths, so most have a set of base characteristics noted below. Notably, all Mutaphil are either smooth-skinned or furred, and have at least four limbs.   Attributes:
  • ST: 8 to 13
  • DX: 8 to 12
  • IQ: 9 to 11
  • HT: 8 to 12
Secondary Characteristics:
  • FP: -2 to +2
  • HP: -2 to +2
  • Per: -2 to +2
  • Will: -2 to +2
  • Basic Speed: -0.5 to +0.5
  • Basic Move: -1 to +1
  • SM: 0 to 1
Advantages and Perks Any non-Magical and non-Psionic advantages, at the GM's discretion, and up to two similarly constrained perks. All Mutaphil must have a 15 point Unusual Background.   Disadvantages and Quirks Mutaphil typically have 20-30 points worth of disadvantages and two quirks. The GM will pick these disadvantages to complement your advantages.   Features Any with GM approval. The GM may assign Features if they feel they are appropriate.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

All Mutaphil reproduce sexually and give live birth, but the exact method and even number of children differs. In any case, however, the child is liable to have no particular physical resemblance to their parents, often making Mutaphil reproduction inherently dangerous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to their inherent differences and rarity, Mutaphil do not form any particular societies within themselves, usually integrating into nearby societies, where their unique abilities can be of use. Most humanoids tend to look at Mutaphil with suspicion, especially those that look similar to other races with significant mutations, due to their inherent unpredictable nature.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Mutagenesis Prime
25-90 years
Average Height
1.6-2.5 meters
Average Weight