
Vaplium was discovered, or at least began to be reported on, by the Draken Dir under the eastern mountain range of Telzia, shortly before the Fall of Meridia. It was broadly ignored, until over a century into the Post-Meridian period, when a brilliant inventor named Niels Laursen noted its ability to detonate under pressure could be used in conjunction with a long metal tube to propel a projectile, and created the Laursen Cannon.   From then on, vaplium became one of the most sought-after materials in Drisenheim, as fortifications previously thought unbreakable fell easily before the Laursen Cannon. As countries scrambled to upgrade their fortifications, some also began moving on the supply lines of vaplium, attempting to assault the holds of the Draken Dir underneath the mountains. These assaults were poorly fated and easily repelled by the Draken Dir, often through usage of Vaplium explosives of their own.   Over the next fifty years, the world was reshaped by those who had steady supply lines to the vaplium. In recent years, the flow of vaplium has been steady from the Draken Dir, supplying a long and great tradition of war throughout Drisenheim, and the Laursen Corporation has profitted mightily upon it, with the Laursen Rifle and Laursen Revolver growing to be nearly the equal of an Autobow. However, as the only known source of Vaplium remains that under the eastern Telzian mountains, Vaplium remains far too expensive to match Material Eleth.


Material Characteristics

Vaplium is a highly viscous gas typically characterized by a light purple to pinkish colour and a soft glow. Lower quality vaplium will typically have a number of impurities, such as unfortunate insects fatally trapped in the gas and pressure imbalances, which cause the gas to constantly swirl. High quality vaplium will typically have a constant vibrant pink colour and very little movement in the gas.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The main use of vaplium is its propensity to detonate once exposed to a sufficiently high pressure. It is typically stored in pressure-stable containers that tend to shatter rather than compress, such as glass spheres, but sustained exposure to heat can cause a catastrophic pressure increase. Vaplium is also used as a light source, though it must be diluted first to reduce the chances of explosions and poisoining.   The quality of vaplium is determined by how small internal pressure fluctuations are. High quality vaplium can typically be keyed into a container that detonates reliably at the slightest touch, whereas lower qualities often have a dangerous range where the material can spontaneously detonate in as pressure naturally fluctuates.   Vaplium is also a deadly (though treatable poison) if breathed in, or ingested in a liquid form. Typical MD50 amounts for liquid form is 2ml/kg, but gaseous doses typically require exposure of a minute or more. In either case, exposure will cause Vaplium Poisoning.


Aerosolized Vaplium (Aerolium)

Vaplium mixed with 20-30% nitrogen gas and 2-3% oxygen gas will form a stable aerosolized compound with minimal explosive and poisonous properties, but which retains its glow. The exact mixture is a subject of much discussion, with exact mixtures and minute additions of other gasses being kept secret.   The highest quality aerolium is made in specialized chemical labs, and has a bright pink glow that can be coloured by different glasses and additions, while being nearly impossible to detonate. Lower quality aerolium is made in bulk by exposing large amount of vaplium to atmosphere, and stirring until it (hopefully) equalized. It has a dimmer, somewhat muddied pink glow, and is much more sensitive to heat and pressure changes.

Geology & Geography

The material appears to only be found in the mountain ranges of Durtane, and is the primary export of Draken Dir clans to the more "civilized" world. The actual origin of the material is unclear, as the Draken Dir are incredibly secretive on the subject, and those with knowledge of the mining and refining process rarely leave their mountain holds.   This has generated intense speculation onto the origin of the gas, though most scholars agree it is simply a gas found only at the depths that the Draken Dir tunnel to. Some more fringe groups suspect sorcery, by-product of a heretofore unknown creature, or more sinister means.

Life & Expiration

Vaplium degrades slowly when properly stored, and typically lasts five years in storage before any meaningful degradation in quality is noted. After a time, however, stored vaplium will slowly become inert in a process that takes about a decade. This is dangerous if the vaplium is to be used, as the detonation pressure becomes lower than expected.   Once exposed to air, vaplium will become effectively inert within the minute as it mixes with the atmosphere. However, even a small amount of vaplium can be enough to cause Vaplium Poisoning in a enclosed area. Most creatures aware of vaplium will notice the scent and leave the area, or hold their breath until the concentration of vaplium is too low to cause harm, so this is largely ineffective as a weapon against conscious foes.
Elemental / Molecular
Low Quality: 5$/ml
High Quality: 15$/ml
Sickly sweet with distinct aftertones of rotten meat.
Sickly sweet.
Light purple to hot pink.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Not found; assumed below -60°C
Common State

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