
Arbibia is one of the few surviving theocratic governments in Drisenheim, based off the combined worship of Elena Lidros and Feysus. Supreme executive power is wielded by the church, known as the Cult of the Red Hand, with the high priest holding total power over the goings-on of Arbibia. While local governments and external legal branches do exist, they are expected to conform to the teachings of the church, which is enforced bloodily. However, the once significant power of Arbibia has waned in recent years, as Khainian Provinces and Federation of Tatsushi forces have occupied its eastern island since 166 AU, though its western lands remain a stronghold.   Internally, the Cult of the Red Hand prioritizes service and loyalty, with inferiors expected to obey their superiors at any cost. Disobeying an order or desertion of duty is considered a capital offense, and military service is mandatory for all citizens. This has led to the military forces of Arbibia being considerable despite it's relatively low population, and it has historically prosecuted effective wars against the Khainian Provinces, Tatsushi, and Shaia. While it has temporarily lost control of its eastern island, occupation forces have had little success consistently holding territory or establishing supply lines due to heavy partisan resistance.   Life in Arbibia is regimented and disciplined even in private moments, but is not cruel. The Arbibian economy is run with mechanical efficiency, and the strict hierarchy of leadership and ideological drive to punish incompetence has led to a clockwork country. In recent years, relative peace with Shaia has led to increased trade relations, though the Cult of the Red Hand is careful to not let any heretical ideas leak into their citizenry, and foreigners are watched at every step. Heavy prejudice is placed upon draken-spawn as well, as they are considered to lack the intelligence and discipline required for a place in the Red Hand's world.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Draken-Spawn Mutaphil
Slight (<5%) Population
Minor (<20%) Population Ether Vin Ursinoid Caninoid
Major (<40%) Population Ether Zel Felinoid