
Banilim is an aristocratic nation to the east of Drisenheim, comprising two islands chains and a western landmass. Once a great empire, Banilim has been slowly pushed back into its current land by first the Telzian Empire, and then the Durpacian Caliphate. Its land has been stable as of late, with the Durpacian Caliphate too concerned with its southern wars to attempt to seize the remaining land of Banilim, as well as trigger a potent defense alliance with Evehia. Banilim is also notable as the only nation where Mutaphils do not face prejudice, instead being seen as a pseudo-religious symbol and omens.   As an aristocracy, Banilim is ruled by a hereditary set of fifteen noble houses, each being responsible for the rule of a certain region of the nation. A federally executive branch exists, with all members serving as the leisure of the noble houses, though it in practice acts as another noble house dedicated to the service of the nation. Diplomatic, military, and geopolitics matters are handled through a council of the houses, and the executive branch is primarily concerned with facilitating logistical and political coordination between the houses, though with unanimous approval of the houses, it can pass and enforce federals laws.   The average citizen of Banilim lives a rather dull life, with little class mobility, with most citizens being on the same nominal caste. Unofficially, landed citizens are treated significantly better and are often looked to as advisors for the ruling house of their region. While slavery is outlawed, indentured servitude is rather normal, with differing rules on how such an arrangement works depending on the region, and indentured tradesmen are one of the few ways to climb the caste. Military service can also be used for social climbing, though noble officers still outrank any citizen by virtue of their birth.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco, Mutaphil, Ursinoids Felinoids
Slight (<5%) Population Draken Mir, Ether Vin, Ether Zel Caninoids
Minor (<20%) Population
Major (<40%) Population Draken Dir