
Cotiaranas is the God of Knowledge and Planning, commonly seen as the patron of rulers, scholars, smiths, and plotters. Most give a prayer to Cotiaranas before embarking on any journey or enterprise, hoping he will protect them from any failure. He is commonly seen as a taciturn God, rewarding those who plan well with a steady hand and good luck, while punishing the rash for their impudence.    Due to his domains, the organized religions of Cotiaranas are plentiful, renowned for their love of knowledge and open doors to those who wish to learn. Some cults exist amongst the less savory elements of society, attracting assassins and spies in search of the perfect scheme or ultimate poisonous concoction. Divinomancers of Cotiaranas are relatively common, though their powers are often severely limited. Most see this as an opportunity to improve, and a call to not use divine interference as a crutch and avoid its need altogether.

Holy Books & Codes

There is no official holy book of Cotiaranas, but rather all books are considered holy. Worshipers take great pride in the depth of their knowledge, reading through hundreds of tomes at churches, seeking for lost nuggets of information that they can trade to other worshipers. Once such a morsel has been told to another, it quickly spreads throughout the church, becoming another piece of trivia added to each worshiper's arsenal.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The approved symbol of Cotiaranas is a geometric fractal, a spiraling web of curves that repeats infinitely downwards. Most carry this as a small hand-carved medallion, with great pride taken in the accuracy and depth of the fractal. Churches and wealthy worshipers often dedicate their lives to emulating the fractal on massive walls, seeking to master the infinite pattern as none have before them. Crafters who worship Cotiaranas will often carve a small spiral pattern into a surface of their work, though this pattern is limited to a single repetition as to not dishonor its holy nature through imperfection.
Divine Classification