Durpacian Caliphate

The Durpacian Caliphate is an oligarchical monarchy to the east of Drisenheim. Power is held by a small number of extremely wealthy corporations, though the nation is nominally ruled by a male-preference primogeniture monarch, who is responsible for civil and military matters. In practice, civil life is so dominated by corporations that the monarch cannot effectively make any decisions without corporate backing. However, this has led to an extremely competitive economy and military, at the cost of an abysmal standard of living for those outside of the circle of wealth. The Durpacian Caliphate is also one of the few outlets of Vaplium in the world, with the initial discovery of Vaplium being deep under the western mountain chain, though direct control is held by the Draken Dir who live underneath the chain.   Geopolitically, the Durpacian Caliphate has had generally hostile relations with its neighbors due to rampant expansionism, which has only intensified due to the discovery of Vaplium and the Laursen Cannon in recent years. It is currently embroiled in a decade-long war with Unaia, with both countries unwilling to sign a white peace. Internally, a court of nobles rules the lands, though their grasp is very tenuous, and only truly extends to matters in which corporations have no hand. The monarch is also in command of the nation's military, though attempts to use the military against corporate interests have been highly unsuccessful, with the last independent monarch being deposed in a civil war and replaced by a more cooperate ruler.   Citizens of the Durpacian Caliphate live a life primarily in service to one corporation or another. Most employees on the ground level are treated effectively as slaves, with no oversight or recompense for abusive treatment. The primary method of rising through social castes is by rising through the ranks of a corporation, typically through a combination of politics and backstabbing, as nepotism is rampant. Corporations are not typically allowed to collapse, as the state banks practically act as an unlimited buffer to pull from if necessary. Nobles live a separate, but very lucrative life, trading laws and enforcement for corporate moneys. Those who rebel against this system are typically made an example of, though this has in recent years been far less frequent.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Kelderci, Meldrelco Ether Vin, Ether Zel Caninoids, Felinoids, Ursinoids Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Chusaine
Minor (<20%) Population Draken Mir
Major (<40%) Population Draken Dir