Elena Lidros

Elena Lidros is the God of law and justice, patron to the systems that ensure the survival of civilization and those that respect and maintain the status quo. Most cities have at least one shrine to Elena Lidros, which most public servants will visit at least as an act of political expedience. Organized churches are common, though there is little common belief structure between religions apart from the main tenents of law and justice.   They are one of the most active Gods in mortal matters, granting divine powers in seeming direct response to certain actions. The many churches spread throughout cities are often used as sanctuaries during times of war, a custom born of divine wrath against interlopers. Dedicated divinomancers are rare, as Elena Lidros seems more interested in interfering with specific events rather than granting general power. Those few who have been given such power have often risen to be kings and emperors.

Holy Books & Codes

The holy books of Elena Lidros are plentiful, with even a basic complement consisting of two dozen texts on law, justice, government, and history. Unlike most Gods, this list fluctuates and is often updated by direct decree of Elena Lidros. Some worshipers will carry a small book of local laws as a divine text, some dedicate their lives to reading through these texts, others strive to learn enough to petition Elena Lidros to add their own text.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The official symbol of Elena Lidros is that of a solid, featureless white mask with only holes for one's eyes. In practice, most do not actually wear such a mask, but keep a small talisman in the mask's shape. It is common for judges and other such high ranking officials to wear such a mask as a sign of their impartiality and dedication to their craft.