
Feysus is concerned with all that a soldier requires to do his duty diligently to his leader and country. He is not the God of Combat or War, but rather that of the faceless, nameless soldier, a simple cog in the formation that stands between his charge and the enemy. He is commonly worshiped by both martial professions and those that see their roles as workers of the people, unconcerned by politics or emotions. His worshipers do not seek glory or gain, but sincerely believe in using their position to advance their people. He also holds the tenuous title of the God of strategists and tacticians, often in conflict with Cotiaranas.   The religions of Feysus are plentiful, existing both in large-scale organized religious organizations and smaller cults born within bureaucratic departments or army divisions. These groups tend to be some of the most effective religious groups in the world, often being highly competent, coordinated, and well-armed. Uniquely amongst the Gods, Feysus does not grant divinomancers to individuals, rather giving the gift of power to groups which are deemed acceptable. These groups have historically ranged from mercenary companies to legal teams; all have actuated drastic change upon the world.

Holy Books & Codes

Feysus has no officially ordained holy book, but his followers are encouraged to read broadly in order to better themselves and their adherence to their duty. Popular amongst the churches and cults are a series of treatises and essays written by Silas III, one of the Four Great Emperors of the Telzian Empire, as well as the holy book of Vunde, "Ruminations of a Life Well Fought", which has forged a strong bond between many churches of Feysus and Vunde.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Feysus' ordained divine symbol is simply a shield, with no particular engraving or style. Very few followers use this symbol without modification; most place a crest or flag within the shield and adjust the shield's style to a more recognizable variant. Some also place another symbol atop the shield, typically a crown or other similar symbol of authority. Most followers of Feysus will wear the shield as an amulet, but those who carry shields in their day to day will often pay to have their shield's inside engraved with their favorite symbol.
Divine Classification