
Basic Information


Hawkpomps (also known as simply pomps) are winged, furred creatures with long tails and prehensile tongues. They are relatively large creatures, standing about four feet tall when on hind legs and weighting in at about 120lbs. Their set of four wings allows effective flight, though they are primarily used to hunt prey rather than long distance flights. They are known for their flexibility and agility, using their tails to wrap around branches and redirect travel.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hawkpomps are primarily used as pets and service animals due to their high intelligence and long lifespan. Large, important families will typically have an adjoining line of hawkpomps that are bred and trained within the family, often being given to children as lifelong companions.    Military units also use hawkpomps for a wide gamut of tasks, from reconnaissance to attack animals to messengers. They are typically only deployed as companions to well-trained individuals and used conservatively, as well-trained hawkpomps can take decades to replace.

Average Intelligence

Hawkpomps are considered just below humanoid levels of intelligence, and are noted for their ability to comprehend humanoid emotions and temperaments. They can be difficult to train, as their temperament is naturally flighty, and can take decades to correctly train.
40 years
Average Height
Average Weight