
Larpacia is an island between the Khanian Provinces and Arbibia, which has had a long and storied history of ownership. It is most notable for hosting the Great City of Supan, an ancient city thought to have been built by the God Oase, stretching buildings and roads tens of kilometers up and away from the coast, built for a massive population it never held. Larpacia is considered a nation-state by most states, most recently belonging to the Khainian Provinces, before being placed in a geopolitical gray area, when the entire island was granted to the Laursen Corporation in return for the detailed diagrams and techniques used in the production of Laursen cannons and Laursen Faerstone.   Currently, the inhabitants of the island reside under a tenuous corporate governance, though the Laursen corporation has been bound under the terms to minimally interfere with local laws and politics for the proceeding century. The Great City of Supan is also considered under Laursen jurisdiction, though in practice, nearly none of Supan is policeable due to its massive size and plethora of shelter. The inner city and ports are held under guard as a standard city, while the outlying city has housed hundreds of historical criminal organizations and slums. This leaves the city in a state of being a practical nation-state with a kleptocratic form of governance.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Meldrelco Kelderci Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Chusaine Draken Dir, Ether Zel Draken Mir
Minor (<20%) Population Ether Vin Caninoids
Major (<40%) Population Felinoids, Ursinoids