
Qhai is a small state between Unaia and the Durpacian Caliphate, acting partially as a buffer state, and partially as an integral part of the civil service of both nations. Due to the constant wars between the two states, Qhai is responsible as an independent third party to provide farming, minting, medical, and other critical medical services for both nations. Originally, Qhai was a demilitarized zone created three centuries ago in a peace deal, as both nations relied on the farming output of the war-torn region before the war, and famines were anticipated if the war continued.   Internally, the Qhai government is nominally controlled by joint accord by Unaia and the Durpacian Caliphate during peace time, with an emergency council being convened for wartime that can only rule by unanimous consent. Practically, Qhai is controlled by a Triumvirate comprised of a Unaian and Durpacian representative, as well as the head of the Qhai Civil Service, who practically hold total power over the internal workings of Qhai, and is only subservient due to threat of war. Qhai is also not allowed to hold their own military, though they are allowed a Civil Defense force, which is responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the decrees of the Triumvirate.   The citizenry of Qhai understand that they live in a precarious position, sandwiched between two warring states. The only employer in the country is nominally the Civil Service, though commissions and government-owned corporations are common. Each citizen is guaranteed work, room, and board, as well as a pension, rules set out long ago when Qhai was war torn and new immigrants were required to rebuild the country. Qhai contains a disproportionate number of Meldrelco for its location, as the state's existence was negotiated by the Meldrelco, and most high-ranking Civil Service members are Meldrelco.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Kelderci Ether Vin, Ether Zel Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco Caninoids, Felinoids, Ursinoid
Minor (<20%) Population Draken Mir, Draken Dir
Major (<40%) Population