
Unaia is a state to the south-east of Drisenheim, a fully military state where all parts of the government are controlled and subservient to the nation's military command. Consequently, it is one of the most generally hostile nations to external nations, seeing all nearby nations as potential targets, and holding constant skirmishes with Sipur and Telzia in past. In recent years, the Durpacian Caliphate has been the prime target, and a long, bloody war has raged for nearly a decade across their borders.   Internally, the chief executive in Unaia is the supreme commander of Unaian forces, who act as both the civilian and military leader. In most case, the supreme commander will delegate either civilian or military duties to his second in command to focus on the most directly relevant. Each military officer is expected to treat his men with a fair, if harsh, hand, and can be removed by his superiors (or his inferiors through unofficial, bloody methods) if he fails to do so. While honor is held in great regard, it is expected that victory take precedence.   Every citizen is expected to be at least basically trained in military matters, and to retain physical fitness and training while in military age. Any citizen, regardless of race or wealth, must serve a term of five years in the Unaian military if capable, with exceptions only being granted sporadically. The Unaian military is also open to foreigners, with a required ten-year term in some of the hardiest shock troop regiments, but service does guarantee citizenship. The civil branch of Unaia is regimented and militarized, with sweeping policing power, though its legal regulations tend to be simple and light-handed.
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Meldrelco, Ursinoid Caninoids, Felinoids Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Chusaine, Kelderci Ether Vin, Ether Zel
Minor (<20%) Population Draken Mir
Major (<40%) Population Draken Dir