Xelo Sojun
Xelo Sojun's primary domains are Joy, Love, and Lust, but her influence extends to most social domains, often butting heads with Bukmor, Elena Lidros, and Vunde on the edges of what they consider their social domains. Most followers of Xelo Sojun live a lavish and promiscuous lifestyle, often filled with small pleasures of material goods or the flesh, with a smaller subset believing that love and romance are the true domains of the goddess. Some cultures see worship of Xelo Sojun as taboo, in a similar vein to Bukmor, leading to a number of smaller cults scattered throughout the land.
Even in cultures where worship of Xelo Sojun is allowed, large organized religions are scarce; her tenants lead to most such organizations burning themselves out and fading away, lacking in both manpower and resources. While divinomancers of Xelo Sojun are not rare, they are almost exclusively too concerned with love and pleasure to actuate change in the world. Historically, those who have turned their attention to the world have exclusively caused immense catastrophe, leading to some speculation about those chosen being intentionally impotent.
Holy Books & Codes
The primary holy book of Xelo Sojun is "The Dream of the Assassin", a 25 volume work which serve as part romance novel and guide to a joyous life. Unfortunately, the author, a former assassin, was himself killed by an assassin before completing the planned remaining 5 works. Many attempts have been made to complete the work, most dying at the hands of unsatisfied cultists, leaving the work eternally unfinished.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The typical symbol of Xelo Sojun is a signet ring with an engraved, multi-colored heart. Richer cult members will often form these rings out of gold and gemstones as to impress worshipers, while most forge the rings of silver or copper with common mixed dyes forming the heart.
Divine Classification