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Howling Night

Battle Maps

Indasahwa Streets 1
Xaokai Shores 1


  • Full Moon: On the party's 4th day in town they will discover that most of the town is working on barricading Ironclad. This is the night of the full moon.
  • Uncaged: When night comes, all of the local businesses will close up early. The party will soon hear a terrible muffled howl. A few minutes later however the werewolf versions of Damien and Saris will escape the blacksmith and attempt to cause havoc. They will only stop if they are knocked unconscious or the night ends.

Player Characters

Important NPC’s

Minor NPC’s

  • Herro Starmane
  • Malcom (Male Halfling Cleric First Mate)
  • Oldoh (Sharkfolk Barbarian)

Important Locations

Plot Hooks

  • The majority of the town is keeping Damien and Sarises secret, they know that they are werewolves but keep the peace because Damien has made an adequate solution for the problem in chaining themselves up in their home during the full moon.

Behind the Scenes

  • Malcom and Oldoh will be lurking in the outskirts of the town if they are alive. Once they have an opportunity they will sneak into Ironclad and free Damien and Saris while they are werewolves to try and kill the party as revenge for their failed mission.


  • Malcom and Oldoh want to get revenge on the party so they intend to release the werewolves.


  • If Damien or Saris get loose then there is a chance that someone could contract lycanthropy.
  • If a party member gets bit by Damien or Saris then there is a chance that they could get infected with lycanthropy.
  • If the party kills either Damien or Saris then they will be in danger of becoming enemies with the entire Indasahwa community.


  • 1 free item each: Each party member will be given 1 free item from Ironclad if they manage to subdue Damien, Saris, and manage to catch the culprit who let them loose.
  • Ironclad Discount: If the party doesn’t kill Damien or Saris then they will be given a permanent 30% discount on all items in the shop.


  • Subdue Damien and Saris before they can bite anyone and spread the Lycanthropy disease.
  • Catch the culprit responsible for breaking the chains and letting Damien and Saris loose.

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