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Character Description

Human figure, standing at about 6 ’1. Dark brown (brunette) hair with medium-length hair with a swoop over the right eye. Brown eyes, a light mustache, and a dark brown (brunette) goat tee. Very muscular, but more chiseled. Wearing a navy blue button-down shirt, teal vest, and an orange tie with hints of yellow in it. As a jacket, he wears a classic detective trench coat with purple buttons. A classic style of army-green caches, with black and silver dress shoes with cowboy-like wheels behind them.

Hero Character Description

Human figure standing at 6 ‘3. His hair is covered by a mango-colored hood with blood red outline in the front. The face is covered by a red mask with orange mixed in and gold outlines. The eyes however are seen, but they are glowing a neon yellow with no pupils. The suit itself is mango-colored with a bright red cape. In the center of his chest is a gold circle with the inner circle being black and a red-orange letter “J” in the dead center. His hands are covered with red marksman gloves. Separating the torso from the legs is a brown belt. On this belt are dark teal boomerangs. The pants are the same mango color with red outlines. He wears high black boots with gold outlines.

Jupiter’s Backstory: Important Aspects to Note

  • The Orinson family witnesses the death of Mars, the Oldest child.
  • Jupiter and his sister Andromeda learn meditation and self-defense skills from Sensei Markino.
  • Jupiter takes matters into his own hands and takes on the entirety of the investigation.
  • Jupiter, taking on many leads, finds the main culprit, Alicyte Neutron.
  • Knowing that Alicyte knows the family, he needs to be sneaky, or not himself…
  • He makes himself into a vigilante with help from family and Ace The family and Ace know Jupiter’s true identity.
  • Jupiter takes on Alicyte dead on and wins.
  • Taking her to prison, the village of Lunara calls the vigilante “Calypso.”
  • A chitine attacks a woman and Jupiter defeats it and saves the woman’s life.
  • The woman reveals herself as Casandra Camonia, figures out his secret identity, reveals that she was also trying to help solve the case of Mars, and falls head-over-heels for Jupiter/Calypso.
  • The Orinson Family opens The Great Private Eye.
  • Authorities try to shut it down, but Jupiter reminds them of their faults for ignoring the murder of his brother. They beg for forgiveness and end up partnering with the Private Eye.




Towards Cassandra Orinson


Cassandra Orinson


Towards Jupiter



  • Age: 28
  • Race: Aasimar
  • Class: Fighter/Monk
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Medium Length/Dark Brown
  • Skin: Caucasian
  • Height: 6’3”

Plot Hooks

  • About 2 weeks after Jupiter leaves on his quest, Cassandra will discover that she is pregnant. She will try to get in contact with him but will ultimately keep getting blocked by the Eyeless.
  • His best friend Ace has been working with the Eyeless to use Jupiter as a smoke screen so they can work in the shadows.
  • He will be kept outside of Ruby Shire for about a month so that the Eyeless can continue to expand there tunnels beneath the city and make it to new areas.


Cassandra Orinson (Partner)

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