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Kerōkto (Ker-ook-too)

The Unending Storm Kerōkto

Divine Domains

Hadozees, Hunting, Locathah’s, Monkeys, Summer, The Ocean, Tropics, Volcanoes, Water


  • The Hidden Faces
  • Kerōkto’s Tide Waker Staff
  • Paradicium (Vestige is a shark tooth weapon made of volcanic rock, and obsidian)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A symbol of a basic tiki head with feathers sprouting from the top of the symbol in the corners.

Tenets of Faith

A short exiting life is far better than a long and dull one.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A relatively short humanoid figure which is in a permanent hunch. The monkey has dark blue fur that reflects the bottom of the ocean. He also has verdant green eyes and a grey underbelly.

Body Features

  • Dark blue fur
  • Hunched over
  • Green eyes

Identifying Characteristics

  • His blue fur
  • His rotating mask
  • His totem staff

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a blue, red, and grey wooden mask which has five faces that can be rotated at will to reflect the current mood he is in. The masks are done up in a very tiki like fashion and reflect one of five emotions, Calm, Joy, Sadness, Anger, and Madness. The mask is also framed by a green and red feathers which always appear on the chosen face. He also wields a palm wood staff with many different kinds of tiki faces running up, each reflecting a separate places culture.

Specialized Equipment

  • The Hidden Faces
  • Kerōkto’s Tide Waker Staff

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Legends say that the god Kerōkto first came into the world on the first day of summer at the bottom of the ocean. They say that before he joined the gods he had begun to further expand his realm and created many of the sea creatures that live in the world today. After he attended the council of the gods it is said that he helped create the rings and befriended the Trions and Marids. He helped them create the city of Thalis which worked to smite the monsters of the deep. During the Reign of the dragons he and his people were forced into a - year war for control over the ocean with the dragons of the Karsaurite Empire. They would emerge victorious and Kerōkto would rise up to help the gods overthrow Karsauris.



Morality & Philosophy

He is a creature of impulse and just like the sea his moods can shift wildly depending on the situation that he might find himself in.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Unending Storm
Date of Birth
1st of Summer, 0
Circumstances of Birth
Born during the very first summer storm.
The Murinthian Sea
Verdant green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue, furred, grey underbetty
115 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
All and telepathy.
Founded Settlements

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