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The Plunder

Notable Members


  1. The Dozen/Pirate Lord: (The Dozen is a group of captains who have been inducted into the Plunder’s upper circle and they ensure that the laws are clear and fair.)
  2. Captain: (The captain is a leader of their own crew and is given a good amount of respect in the plunder but depending on how they act and behave, it can be given or taken away very quickly.)
  3. First Mate: (First Mates are seen as the right hand men of the captain. They are expected to discipline and control their crew to keep the peace between other crews.)
  4. Crew Member: (The crew members are the general population in the Plunder. Each works for their own respective crew but also work together to keep the city afloat.)


No one may draw steel inside the Treasure Trove unless they are challenged or to defend themselves. The punishments vary from crime to crime, attacking someone with steel or spell craft could result in the amputation of one's hand. Murder is punished by death and depending on how severe the killing was depends on how much they suffer. Their methods range from hanging, shooting, drowning, keel hauling, and a few more creative methods. They also do not steal from each other as they would receive similar punishments. They also vow not to bring personal rivalries or vendettas to the Treasure Trove if it can be helped. If it can't be helped they are both forced to meet on the Red Deck with their own crews and will have a full out slaughter. The crew that remains standing in the end is victorious and is given a large amount of respect and all possessions of the previous crew. This can be avoided if both captains consent to burying the hatchet. These laws are all enforced by the crews who have joined the plunder, for if they didn't they would simply devolve back into chaos.


The Plunder is a haven for all pirate crews who swear to give 10% of all goods and treasure they retrieve to the city's well being. They receive free food, drink, and housing. They mostly act as independent cells who work for themselves, however when the need arises they band together to solve larger problems that affect all of them. Like a sea monster who's been tearing down crew after crew, or pirate hunters making too much ground on their territory.


  • 228 PE: The Plunder was founded due to The Serulian Republic’s continued efforts to eradicate their kind, so about a dozen of the biggest pirate crews came together and gave pirates a banner to rally behind.
  • 247-283 PE: The first Red Tide begins and ends in a draw between the two factions.
  • 1021-1029 PE: The most recent Red Tide begins and ends in a draw once again, leaving both sides crippled and low on resources of all kinds.
  • Current Year is 3981 or 1049 PE

We are free


  • Fleets of pirate ships
  • Gold
  • Jewels
  • Sabres
  • Flintlocks
  • Blunderbusses
  • Canons
  • Rum



Plot Hooks

  • Random pirates might try to kidnap Siv and turn her over to the Ātherosians for a ransom.


Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Pirate Republic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Free Folk
Official State Religion
Notable Members

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