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The Maiden Voyage

Campaign Intro

The year is 1049 PE (Post Exodus) and The Trident sits in a state of disrepair and reconstruction after the most recent Red Tide ended nearly 20 years ago. The two opposing sides have remained for the most part, in a truce to better preserve their country. The Serulian Republic has since avoided further expansion west and refrain from sending ships to the Untamed Crescent. They instead seek outside aid, and in the past 10 years alone the government has seen a major uptick in profits due to their vast trade network. Because of this The Reclaimed Point has remained a wealthy and capable region and has not seen major tragedy since the last Red Tide. Meanwhile to the west the faction known as The Plunder continues to rule the Untamed Crescent and the shores of the Unsung Sea with their massive conclave of pirates. However ever since The Tide, the Plunder has been oddly quiet. Their floating capital city is rarely seen outside of the Unsung Seas anymore and a significant reduction in pirate related attacks has become a notable phenomenon in The Trident as of late. However our story begins in the third and final landmass of the Trident to the east, dubbed the Battered Hook. A war torn region sitting in a neutral ground in this political conflict. We begin in one of the most famous cities in not only The Trident, but in Drokine as a whole. We begin in the city of a thousand pleasures and the red gem of Drokine… We begin in the city of Ruby Shire…

Character Intros

  1. Ezio & Nyxaris: After Bel leaves them, Ezio and Nyx will be left with the task of killing time until the meeting with Mr Paradeez. There will be a wide variety of options for them to choose from and if they avoid them because they are little edge lords then one of the vendors will thrust one of the attractions upon them. The attractions in the area are as follows.
  • Ring Toss: An unenthusiastic half Drow teen will call out for the group to do a ring toss and earn a prize, if they refuse then the drow will say that they're just scared and dismiss them. The rules are very simple, each contestant will pay 5 silver shillings for 5 rings and can throw them at the bottles in the stands, the difficulty is as follows. (Close target: DC 14 and 1 point, middle target: DC 16 and 2 points, far target: DC 18 and 3 points.) The prizes are as follows.
5 Points: Cheap pencils, candy, and a little handkerchief with a logo of a city contained within a Ruby.   7 Points: T-shirts and hats with crappy slogans on them like, “I went to Ruby Shire and all I got was this crappy t-shirt.”   10 Points: Stuffed animals like a blue dragon, a purple octopus, a pink bunny, and a green koala.   15 Points: A jumbo sized stuffed Teddy Bear that’s about the size of a regular human head and torso.  
  • High Strike: A very circular Halfling fellow holds out a hammer to any one who will take it with enthusiasm. The rules of this game are also quite simple. Pay 2 silver shillings per swing and hit the target near the ground. A DC 19 strength check is needed to ding the bell. If the bell is rung then the winner is given a paper Mache hat with the blocky letters, “resident big boi” painted onto it.
  • Rock Climbing: An extremely buff half elven woman in a tank top stands proudly before a large slate wall full of hand holds on it called the demolisher. All the contestant needs to do is climb to the top, the skill challenges are as follows. (1st level, DC 13 athletics/acrobatics check, 2nd level, DC 15, athletics/acrobatics check, 3rd level, DC 18 athletics/acrobatics check.) The prize for reaching the top is a tank top shirt with the words “I conquered the demolisher!”
  1. Izbel: Bel will begin by walking with her father into the festival of renewal to partake a bit in the festivities but will eventually drop him off art the Ruby Hearth Nursing home, some names that can be seen are, (Aldis Clyde, Katherine Faris, Mari Goldenhand, and Trinity Alcidon.) After that she will walk to the Moonglade Theater to meet up with her new employer.
  2. Jupiter: He will begin sitting on the roof of a building, watching the sun rise over the city of Ruby Shire. He will have a monologue and talk about what he's thinking about. After that Cassandra will join them and will eventually work towards a conversation about how she isn't comfortable with him leaving and that she doesn't know if she can do his work without him.
  3. Roxanne & Armistice: Roxanne and Armistice will be given orders to meet up with Monty and the Mercs at the Reclaimed Slurry they will be given a job to accept Mr Paradeezes job, doing so will give them a pretty hefty reward and elevate Roxanne's standing in the mercs. However they must also bring an associate of Moties with them and they must do their best to keep their cover while they are working with this individual.
  4. Callahan: (Before this scene occurs at all, Callahan will be given a letter with the details of his private assignment which is to keep Jupiter out of the city for about a month. The reward will be the reduction of one third of his debt with The Eyeless.) After Armistice and Roxanne are given their jobs Callahan will be called out to be introduced to his new partners. He will then be given the opportunity to fill in Armistice and Roxanne as much or as little as they want.


Important Locations Building Name Owners
Tavern Beach Bums Bar & Lounge Morgan Nadalisk
General Store Washed up Goods EV-VII
Blacksmith Ironclad Damian Dawnbelt
Church/Temple Church of the Goddess
Apothecary Salted Concoction Sarit Vorgal
Barber Shop Rough Cut Adsrata Vol
Ruby Shire
Important Locations Building Name Owners
Bards College Shúntarna
Blacksmith The Fire Spire Aaxiad Gorayax
Brothel Ms Makasta's Menagerie Ms Makasta
Nursing Home Ruby Hearth Nursing Home Doctor Skamokah
Private Investigators The Private Eye Cassandra Orinson
  • Party Favors
  • Pleasures and Poultices
  • Madam Belles Coffee Shop
  • Sa’nad (Party Favors.)
  • Inalee (Pleasures and Poultices.)
  • Madam Belle
  • Bottom Dregs
  • The Howling Hangover
  • The Reclaimed Slurry
  • Barid & Jamira (Bottom Dregs.)
  • Dala Orvad (The Howling Hangover.)
  • Lod Orgum (The Reclaimed Slurry.)
Theater Moonglade Theater Ms. Odel

Battle Maps

Indasahwa Streets 1
Indasahwa Streets 2
Xaokai Shores 1
Xaokai Shores 2
Xaokai Shores 3
Paradeez has all you Need!
The Moonglade Theater

Player Characters

Important NPC’s

Minor NPC’s

Important Locations

Important Factions

Side Quests

Plot Hooks

  • If the party asks about ships or recent news from the Indasahwa people, they may tell them about a white and red ship that sailed around the wreckage of The Penelope about a day after the shipwreck.
  • In Drift Light the party may find Benjamin Briggs galivanting about the place without a care in the world. If confronted the party will find out that Ben doesn't know about his fathers dealings. This could lead to some background about the Briggs family.

Behind the Scenes

  • A group of Briggs family soldiers will find Helene and blind side her, by convincing her that they are here to help. She will manage to escape the soldier but will be very hurt. If the party doesn't intervene by the end of their 5th day then Helene will be captured and taken to Aldron.
  • If Aldrons people don't return by the 8th day he will send his daughters to find and kill the party along with Helene and anyone else on Aldrons shit list.


  • Some of Briggs' personal soldiers will come after the party after The Penelope crashes.
  • At some point after the party leaves Xaokai Island they will be attacked by the Briggs triplets. It will be sudden and it will be vicious, their goal will be to pick off a few of the party members and then flee when things get too dicey. If the party fails to shake the sisters then they will keep trying until they are killed or are recalled by Aldron.


  • If the party kills Aldron then The Eyeless will witness it and blackmail the party with the footage. It will also release Krawsēv the Under Sun from the bonds that Aldron put on him.
  • If the party turns Helene in, then Aldron will have her and Darin executed.
  • If the party leaves this plot line without resolving it Aldron will execute Darin and if Helene asks for help from the party then she will never forgive the party for not helping. She will also end up eventually killing Aldron in the future causing Krawsēv the Under Sun to be released.


  • 300 Golden Marques: Split among the party for delivering Mr. Paradeez to Drift Light.
  • Gambler's Blade, Rapier: Helenes Rapier, she will also offer this blade to the party as a reward if they help her kill Aldron, stating that she “doesn't want anything from him ever again.”
  • Captain's Pride: Aldron Briggses coat
  • Monties Debt: At the end of the job Callahan will have shaved off half of his debt with Monty.
  • Level Up: The party will level up to level 4 after leaving the Xaokai Island.
  • Level Up: The party will level up to level 5 after completing the quest by either turning in Helene, Killing Aldron, or resolving the conflict in some other way.



  1. The Play: Mr. Maxwell Vincent Paradeez the Fourth will gather the party at the Moonglade Theater to both watch a showing of “Blighted Garden” and to offer them a job. The job will be to escort him safely to the Untamed Crescent and more specifically, to the town of Drift Light. From there he may have even more work for the party.
  2. The Harpy Attacks: In the middle of the night a massive thunderstorm will start up, anyone on deck at the time may make a DC 15 perception check to see another ship with yellow sails and flying a black pirates flag (Skull and crossbones). On a success they will gain a surprise round before the ship fires off a volley of cannon balls and starting up a short two round combat where their captain (Helene) will try and kill Captain Baloo while the rest of the crew keeps the party busy.
  3. Krawsēv Attacks: At the end of the second round of combat, massive tentacles veined in a strange gold like metal and pulsing with green glowing bulbs will rise out of the water and begin to pull the Penelope under the sea, on the first round of this, the entire party must all make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be moved 20 feet in any direction and be knocked prone, if they fall overboard they will immediately fall unconscious and be removed from the battle. This process will continue for four more turns and the party must repeat the saving throw each round with the difficulty rising by 1 each time. During this time the Harpies Flock will attempt to flee back into the storm. On the fourth and final round the ship will have been completely sunk and any member remaining will be able to catch a glimpse of Krawsēv (The Kraken). After this they will be left stranded among the wreckage of The Penelope.
  4. Stranded: The party will be split up in groups that dont know eachother. Over the span of either half or two thirds of the second session the party will explore Xaokai Island before they meet back up in Indasahwa. This will probably take place over the span of a day or two. Also in this time Armistice will shift personalities to Tue if he falls into the water.
  5. No Witnesses: On the 6th day on the island if the party helps Helene then two Coral Centrikit ships will unleash a barrage of cannon fire on Indasahwa and then will send a handful of soldiers on land to find and kill Helene, along with any other witnesses.

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