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Xaokai Island (Zaw-kai)

Random Encounter Table

Number Encounter Reward
  1. A Shambling Mound will attack the party in a sneak attack. It will focus on the closest target.
  2. The party will happen upon a field of statues and anyone with a passive perception of 10 will see a Gorgon moving about.
  3. A Variant Troll will stalk the party and attempt to carry one of them off.
2 The party has disadvantage on all travel related checks for the day as a massive storm blows through the island.
3 2d6 Stirges will attack the party from the trees above.
4 Everyone in the party must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw or take a point on exhaustion and become poisoned for the next 8 hours as bugs start to bite and nag the party.
  1. 1d3 Panther’s will try to hunt a few players and drag them off for food.
  2. 1d3 Tiger’s will try to hunt a few players and drag them off for food.
  3. 1d3 Apes will attempt to cause a general nuisance to the players.
6 Everyone in the party must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw or take a point on exhaustion and become poisoned for the next 8 hours as bugs start to bite and nag the party.
7 Whoever is leading the party must make a DC 18 perception check or step into quicksand. They will have a minute if they are a shorter individual or a minute and a half if they are average human size. If they are exceedingly tall they will instead have two minutes.
8 The party will come across an old wrecked ship on the shore. Reef will be scavenging there and may offer the party an old treasure map that leads to buried treasure. He will trade it for a decent item or coin. A DC 15 investigation check will reveal the chest's location. Inside they will find coins and a bag of gems along with a smaller chest inside. That chest is a mimic.
  • 3d12+10 Gold Marques.
  • 2d8+5 Silver Nickels.
  • 2d6+3 Copper Shillings.
  • A bag of gems containing (1 Jet, 2 Jaspers, 5 Malachites)
  1. 1d3 swarms of wasps will attack the party from a few hives if the players fail a DC 8 stealth check.
  2. 1d3 swarms of centipedes will attack the party if they stay within a certain area.
10 An odd man will approach the party and will ask the party in what direction the village is in. He is blind and will require a guide. If the player helps him home he will reward the party with a bag of marbles. Three of them are magical beads of fireball but he has forgotten which is which. Bag of marbles with three fireball beads.
11 Rainy Day
12 Normal Day
13 Rainy Day
14 Normal Day
15 The party has disadvantage on all travel related checks for the day as a massive storm blows through the island.
16 Normal Day
17 The party has disadvantage on all travel related checks for the day as a massive storm blows through the island.
18 Normal Day
  • The day will be very clear and will grant all of the players advantage on all travel checks.
  • The party will find Helene’s trail which could lead the party to her cave hideout.
  • Gain advantage on all travel checks for the day.
  • Possibly find Helene.
20 The party will come across a ruined shack and inside is a handful of broken down essentials and a dusty iron stand holding a blue elemental gem. The item is trapped with a proximity sensor enchantment and will animate the objects in the room to defend the gem. Elemental Gem (Blue)


  • 43 PE: An old abandoned subway gets buried and turned into a new island.
  • 210 PE: A group of settlers build a statue to Viya on the side of a large overlook.
  • 946 PE: A tribe of firbolg’s and orcs founded their home on Xaokai.
  • 994 PE: Arkog and Sordon cause trouble in the community and for a long time that is how things were.
  • 998 PE: Herro Starmane helps the town kill Sordon and drive Arkog back into lurking about their section of the island. This is what made him the new chief of their people.

Regional Effects

There are many secrets buried beneath the island and new monsters are always popping up.

Notable Locations

Plot Hooks

  • The Penelope will wash up on the shores of Xaokai after it is sunk by Krawsēv along with the party and any other passengers on board.
  • Arkog will take several NPC’s who wash up captive and killing him will give the party a tremendous amount of prestige with the Indasahwa community.
  • Damian Dawnbelt and his daughter Saris are secretly werewolves. Eventually they will escape their bonds and will attack the town if things go badly.
  • Aldron’s personal soldiers will attack Indasahwa to try and capture Helene.

Important NPC’s



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