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Irens Betrayal

Life, Trauma/ Loss


The chromatic dragons were growing out of control so Iren asked Karsauris to deal with it. After he refused or failed Iren hurled him into the cosmos. She tried to find him after but failed and when she returned the chromatic dragons began to leave the planet in search of Karasauris.

  1. For years the chromatic dragons had been creating chaos wherever they went, conquering cities and nations to subjugate them to their will. These acts of destruction had begun to worry the great goddess Iren as they tore down much of what she had built. She went to find her brother Karsauris and asked him to control the problem of these dragons. Karsauris refused and told his sister that it was simply their nature, saddened she tried to stop them herself but they were simply a force of nature. She decided that there was no other way and challenged Karsauris to single combat, with the terms that if she won Karsauris would leave Drokine forever, if he won she would have to leave Drokine. He agreed and at the end of the duel, Iren emerged victorious. Karsauris left Drokine and called his brood of chromatic dragons to come with him and for many years there was peace, but this time was not to last as one day far in the future, the promise would be broken during the reign of the dragons.
  2. For years the chromatic dragons had been creating chaos wherever they went, conquering cities and nations to subjugate them to their will. These acts of destruction had begun to annoy the great goddess Iren as they tore down much of what she had built. She went to find her brother Karsauris and told him that he must handle the problem of these dragons. Karsauris argued that it was simply the way to balance the scales just as their brother Zētreus had told them. However when she pushed the matter Karsauris agreed to keep his dragons in line. However this turned out to be an uphill battle as each of his brood were creatures born of chaos. This continued failure did not sit well with Iren and she began to hatch a plan to solve this issue on her own once and for all. She called Karsauris to the palace of the gods to congratulate him for his continued hard work, however when he drank the wine she offered him he was severely poisoned and weakened. With some help from her dragon brood they subdued Karsauris and hurled him into the stars. The triumph lasted only a moment, then a sense of overwhelming guilt and horror came over her. For she had betrayed her own blood. She spent a long time searching the galaxy to find her lost brother but found no sign of him. When she returned in failure the rest of the chromatic dragons began to leave the world, flying off into the stars to find their lost deity.
  3. For years the chromatic dragons had been creating chaos wherever they went, conquering cities and nations to subjugate them to their will. These acts of destruction had begun to enrage the great goddess Iren as they tore down much of what she had built. She went to find her brother Karsauris and told him that he must handle the problem of these dragons. Karsauris argued that it was simply the way to balance the scales just as their brother Zētreus had told them. However when she pushed the matter Karsauris agreed to keep his dragons in line. However this turned out to be an uphill battle as each of his brood were creatures born of chaos, they were simply forces of nature. This continued failure did not sit well with Iren and she began to hatch a plan to solve this issue on her own once and for all. She called Karsauris to the palace of the gods to congratulate him for his continued hard work, however when he drank the wine she offered him he was severely poisoned and weakened. With some help from her dragon brood they subdued Karsauris and hurled him into the stars. The triumph lasted only a moment, she realized that a creature who commands such monsters could not be allowed to survive. She hunted for him up and down the cosmos, hoping to rectify her mistake. However she never found him. When she returned in failure the rest of the chromatic dragons began to leave the world, flying off into the stars to find their lost deity.

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