Misfit Adventure Party, Crammin Chapter

The adventurers guild known as the Misfit Adventure Party is a new fixture in Crammin, housed in Gunnysack Hall. Led by Genga Richblood, he uses the guild as a means of getting the goblins in the city honest work with a chance of leaving the badlands to do bigger and better things.   The Misfit Crammin Chapter has become well known for its generosity and willingness to help out anyone in need. Whether it be food, supplies, or just some advice on where to find a job, the Misfits are happy to help. In a short time the Crammin chapter has become an important part of the community; helping those who don't fit into goblin society, keeping adventurers prepared when they venture into the badlands, and providing safe work for anyone who needs it.    Despite their reputation as misfits themselves, the guild has become beloved by most of the community.
Crammin   Branch Of
Misfit Adventure Party   Overseen By
Genga Richblood

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