
Eclania is a theocracy located on the western coast of Vehasi, founded when Hadthos split. The more religious populace of Eclania formed a theocracy dedicated to Iemis, whose eternal flame was located in the temple in Tunstead, formerly a small settlement not even large enough to make it onto most maps. The city became the nation’s capital and soon flourished. The leader of Eclania is the high priest of Iemis, Alexander Tyran.


The flag of Eclania is primarily a checked pattern of white and green, with a black cross disecting it into four equal portions and a yellow flower in the center. The green represents the new beginning that Eclania got after the fall of Hadthos, and the white represents a time of peace and long-standing prosperity. The black cross represents authority and power, and the flower represents life given by Iemis through the eternal flame, which is symbolised by the yellow colour of the flower.

Diplomatic Relations

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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