
Dostros is a country located in western Vehasi, on the coast just below the Great Scar. There are a large amount of dwarves living in Dostros due to its proximity to New Vransi, though the majority of the inhabitants are humans. A lot of Dostros is swampland, and the area is natively home to Lizardfolk who still live in some original villages but also have somewhat integrated into the nation and cities of Dostros. There are also a significant amount of grung that reside in the area. Marking Dostros’ southern border is the River of Dostros, a river going through the center of Vehasi. The king of Dostros is Marcus Steadystorm, a half-dwarf, half-human man.


Dostros’ flag is purple with a white line intersecting it, bent in the center of the flag so that both ends are in the bottom portion of the flag but the center is closer to the top, splitting the flag into two sections. On the upper section, the top left and top right of the flag, as well as on the lower section in the middle, are three white symbols. The purple on the flag represents nobility and luxury. The white represents peace and purity. The white line on the flag represents the River of Dostros, while the three symbols on the flag represent the three largest cities of Dostros: Doveport, Avnor, and Petralis.

Diplomatic Relations

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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