
Gnomes are one of the five original races to inhabit Dulūn, created by Ehrendil, goddess of forests and wildlife and one of the five core deities. Many gnomes, as such, have an intrinsic connection to wildife, and gnomes tend build their homes surrounded by nature, whether this be in trees or dug out of rock. Gnomes have interesting naming traditions, with nicknames meaning a lot to them. Many gnomes will acquire an extreme amount of names in their lifetimes, simply adding each nickname they are ever given to their full names.

Basic Information


Gnomes are very small, ranging from 2.5-4 feet tall. There are three sub-races of gnomes: Forest gnomes, rock gnomes, and deep gnomes (also known as svirfneblins). Forest gnomes tend to have skin tones closer to olive, with hair ranging from browns to greens, and eyes of nearly any colour. Rock gnomes tend to have greyer or paler skin, with black, blue, purple, pink, or even red hair, and eyes most commonly greyscale. Svirfneblins have grey skin, grey or black hair, and black eyes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes have an extended lifespan, often living up to 400-500 years old. They reach maturity at around the age of 50.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All gnomes have the ability to see in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomes have very complicated naming traditions, with lots of given names and surnames, as well as taking many nicknames over the course of their lifetimes. At birth, a gnome has 5 parts to their name. Their first name is their given name from their parents; these names are those such as: Olgor, Framar, Tyta, Lyrla, Mayci, or Wyllo. Their second and third names are names signifying their heritage from their grandparents - they get one name from each side of their family, either chosen by their grandparents on that side, or if their grandparents on that side are dead, they are named after one of them. These names also follow gnomish given name patterns. Their fourth and fifth names are their surnames, one from each side of their family. Gnomish surnames are those such as: Foggleglack, Tibbletorn, Mannimerry, Poskipetal, or Nomineri. In addition to these names, gnomish culture places heavy emphasis on nicknames as a symbol of friendship, giving nicknames to their closest friends. These nicknames are considered part of the gnome’s full name, generally inserted into their name between their first and second given names, or between their third given name and their surnames. Gnomish nicknames can be just about anything, and often depend on the culture of the person giving the nickname.
400-500 yrs.
Average Height
2.5-4 ft
Geographic Distribution
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