
Lyanna Tyrtani (a.k.a. Lady)

Lady is a circus performer and tiefling of Nethyr, whose life was recently threatened by Rapture, the leader of a local sect of the Exaltation of Nethyr.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lady, born Lyana Tyrtani, is a tiefling of Nethyr whose mother died in childbirth and whose father made a deal to bring Lyana back, but was unable to save her mother. Lady grew up with only her father, who loved her but was a bit overprotective of her, and didn’t allow her to do many things that other children were able to do, because he did not want to risk losing her. When Lady was 16, she ran away from home, joining the circus. Eventually, her father got in contact with her again, and the two resolved their issues, with her father realising his mistakes when raising her, and giving her a gift - her mother’s old locket. Unknown to Lady, this was enchanted with magic that would alert her father if she was ever in danger. Her attention was drawn to this, however, by an adventuring party who saved her life, and Lady was hurt that her father would try to monitor her even after her express dismay at his doing so in the first place - she stopped wearing the locket, then, resulting in the locket and her father not being alerted when Lady was taken to Rapture and his cult.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1957 A.G.W. 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Ephestra Efe by Whalis


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