
Nethyr is a greater devil associated with motherhood and obsession. She was once a mortal woman whose baby was stillborn, and in her grief, she did all she could to bring her child back. It is unclear whether these attempts were successful, but what is clear is that she was changed throughout the ordeal. For the rest of her life, she made her mark on the world, and in death, she had made enough of an impact that people began to worship her, reincarnating her as a god. During the God War, Nethyr took the side of Zaldir, a choice that caused her to become a devil banished to the Nine Hells once the war was over. She, along with Shaeyr, resides in the third hell, and the two are at a constant back-and-forth for rulership of the third hell, which Shaeyr is currently winning. Worshippers of Nethyr believe it is their duty to find and return Nethyr's child to her. Nethyr is also known for making deals with mortal mothers who have lost their children, to return their children to them. However, the child is almost never returned the same; with devilish corruption, the child will almost always become a tiefling, and will often display concerning power. By the time the parents discover this, it is too late for them to renege on their deal, and Nethyr is left with another "child" in the material plane. The worshippers of Nethyr believe that the collection of these children, once they have become adults, and Nethyr's consumption of their power, will give her the strength to be able to find her lost child.

Divine Domains

Nethyr's domain is Death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Nethyr is six eyes in an ovular shape.
Divine Classification
Greater Devil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Devilmother; Our Mother in Death; Childbearer
Year of Birth
38 A.G.W. 1947 Years old

Character Portrait image: Dweller in Darkness by Hinchel Or


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