Olga Ravencrown

Emperess Olga Ravencrown

Olga Ravencrown is the matriarch of the Ravencrown family and the current Empress of Mestrania. She is a fierce leader, and a very divisive topic among her people. Many believe that she is the herald of a new age of Mestrania, strong enough to reunite the nation with its lost territory in Eclania, while others believe she is a warmongering dictator who is making choices that will only result in death and strife for her people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Olga is a 5'8" woman with long, white hair characteristic of the Ravencrown lineage. She is missing her right eye, and has a (rather gruesome) scar left where it should be, though this scar is hardly visible as she wears an eye patch over it. She is physically strong, and capable of wielding heavy weapons, such as her warhammer that she wields in battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olga was born as an only child and heir to the Mestranian throne. Her mother died of an undisclosed illness shortly after her birth, and so her father became King Regent in her stead until she came of age. She was a fairly rebellious child, despite what many in the modern day would think; She constantly caused trouble for her attendants, and especially for her teachers. From the ages of 16-18, she had a hidden relationship with her (similarly young) Ravenguard, who she later married after making it legal for Ravenguards to do so.


Olga was privately educated with the goal of teaching her how to rule and manage a country. She had many teachers throughout the years, many of whom she discouraged from continuing in the profession, and all of whom were sworn to secrecy about anything they saw, heard, or did within the palace walls.


Olga Ravencrown

Wife (Important)

Towards Aeren Vyenlar


Aeren Vyenlar

Husband (Vital)

Towards Olga Ravencrown


Year of Birth
1944 A.G.W. 41 Years old
Aeren Vyenlar (Husband)
Aligned Organization


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