
Sesais was the original celestial, who split herself into five fragments for the prosperity of Dulūn, but was later reformed when the celestials shifted to divine magic as their power source. She organised the pantheon of Dulūn, creating the rules that the gods would follow when utilising divine magic. She led the pantheon through a long period of prosperity, despite herself never having any mortal worshippers. However, she was killed during the God War.


There are not many artifacts or any literature that refer to Sesais, as she was largely unknown by mortals. However, there is a mural of unknown origin depicting the five origin deities and a figure in the center believed to be Sesais. This mural has been removed from its original location in southern Prospera and is on display in the Oscanian Museum of Theological History.
"it can thus be concluded that the being responsible for the creation of this world, if any such being could exist, would had to have been entirely incompetent."
— Temar Morganswidth in his book "Creation of the World: Possibilities of an Overdeity"
Divine Classification
Overdeity (Former)
Neutral Good
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Overgoddess; The Queen of Celestials; The Lady of Gods; The Twice-Dead God
2666 E.G. 1 E.G. 2665 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Gains consciousness with the role of nurturing Dulūn
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Zaldir

Character Portrait image: Zeintesus the God of Matter by Barret Biggers


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