The Unseelie Court

The Unseelie Court is one of the two fey courts of the feywild, led by the archfey Yxjun and consisting of himself and his children. In many ways, the Unseelie Court is a reflection of the Seelie Court, with many traditions and practices that seem almost like an attempt by Yxjun to emulate his sister’s success. The Unseelie Court is much more chaotic than its Seelie counterpart, with much fewer rules dictating the actions of its members and their subjects. As such, where the Seelie’s lives and actions are dictated by their Hospitality Rules and their many traditions, the Unseelie Court allows its members to excersise their own judgement. While none of the members of the Unseelie Court are truly evil, many of them are morally dubious, and willing to bend and manipulate others to their own means.


The members of the Unseelie Court are Yxjun, Grandar, Mother Daedara, Aethylia, Balvan, and Hethranil. Yxjun is the king of the Seelie Court, and is the biological father of Grandar, Mother Daedara, and Aethylia. Grandar is the prince of the dragons of the feywild, rather chaotic but usually well-meaning in nature. Mother Daedara is the mother of hags, though she is unable to actually have children - her hags are created through a lengthy process involving the willing conversion or outright creation of humanoids to turn into hags. She is sickeningly sweet in personality, insisting that most who meet her call her "mother", obsessed with the idea of having children even though it is out of her reach. Aethylia is the queen of mermaids and leader of sirens, being the primary ancestor of all such fey - mermaids being her biological offspring and descendants, while sirens are those she either blessed or cursed with her gift. She is quiet, never speaking verbally and only occasionally choosing to communicate telepathically. Balvan is the most lawful of the Unseelie, very honour-bound and righteous. Lastly, Hethranil is the king of darklings, the fey who left the Seelie Court to join the ranks of the Unseelie. He is rash in both his words and actions, with much pent-up anger often only diffused by Yxjun or his children, who Hethranil sees as his siblings.

Unseelie Family Tree

Court, Noble
Notable Members


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