Night Hunter Species in Dun'Ia (Equine Era) | World Anvil
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Night Hunter

Night Hunters, called as they are because of their dark hides, were among the most feared creature in the world. No matter how capable or skilled one can be, standing against a Night Hunter was suicide.   Night hunters mutated from Sandbears and reached the top of the food chain in Avgannah. They are generally territorial creatures who extincted with the fall of Equine.   Their inception was resulted from an alchemical disaster, which made them immune to alchemies most effects.    The fact that they mutated from sandbears were never truly discovered. There were only some who realized it with natural abilities but could never prove it due to the lack of research conducted on the Night Hunters.   Night hunters and Freewings were the principle reason to keep Proto-proteans and nomads away from the Avgannah continent.

Basic Information


Night Hunters are shaped like a giant sloth. They pierce the ground with their tall claws and launch themselves at their prey like a rocket. Their hide is thick and hairy, their bodies under it is muscular and firm.

Biological Traits

They didn't have gender. Each of them were able to give birth. They had a mating ritual(dance of Mating) which decided which where to get pregnant.

Genetics and Reproduction

Night hunters doesn't have a gender untill they met with a partner. Once a night hunter passes its half life, they start to call partners out of their territory. They communicate and decide which(Usually the older one) to leave its domain and visit the others. Once the two Hunters meet, they do the dance of mating.  During the birth, only the cubs(Between 2-5) survive and the one given birth dies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once a Night hunter cub is born, their parent takes care of them for 3 months. After that, they leave to move to their former mates territory, leaving the cubs behind. Cubs grow together for the next 5 years and once they reach adulthood, they fight among each other to decide who will remain in the territory or who will be the Alpha.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer to live in Acid Jungles of Avgannah. They are known to standing perfectly still untill a prey comes near. They are able to partially sustain by the acids of the jungle. But they would need to hunt. Sometimes they travel long distances in order to hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It hunts various animals. They prefer to hunt large preys once in couple months and sustain with small animals in between. Their digestion system works very slow, which can get slower by acid rains.   They'd hunt Vynoms, Acidrays and Jindas'. Yet they would also hunt smaller creatures, living under the sands, mostly unclassified.

Biological Cycle

They use their claws to sheer and clean themselves. Their claws reach to their limits once the reach adulthood. They either die while giving birth or while fighting another Night Hunter for territory.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They mostly lived alone in Acid Jungles. They were extremely territorial yet sometimes they lived as couples. In that case one would be alpha.


There are some Insalites who built relationships with night hunters by visiting them and living with them for some time.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Night Hunters are especially protective against each others dead bodies and impossible to hunt. Because of this, their alchemical or scientific properties could never discovered.  Only bypoduct which was possible to acquire was their hair, which could be used for many different things, mostly used by Insalchemy by Avgannah locals.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They would mostly live in Acid Jungles. But there were some roaming the desert.

Average Intelligence

Night hunters were remarkably intelligent creatures; They were able to calculate how long would it take to go from one place to another, had a strong grasp of time and could estimate how heavy something is or how long would a whether event take place.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sight is weaker than average but their sense of smell and hearing is amazingly sensitive. They could identify their preys specie by smelling and can locate them with their hearing. An unknown fact to most is that, Night Hunters have extra sensory capabilities, allowing them to identify a body producing plasma(Whether it lives or not) from miles away.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They were known to burry their dead in ther sand.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are known to build relations with Freewings. They communicate with each other, ordinarily to socialise. Sometimes to inform each other about hunts, weather, places to avoid vice versa.
Desert Bears
About 1000 years.
Conservation Status
They are tended by Insanites of Yahnst Kingdom.
Average Height
2,5- 4 meters
Average Weight
500 kg
Average Physique
Larger than a grizzly bear, thinner extremities, eyes and mouth covered in thick pelt. Wolf like ears, extended nose, very long, sharp sloth like claws and very sharp teeth.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mostly darker, between the tones of black to brown.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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