House Atreides

One of the Great Houses of the Landsraad.   The legend stated that the Atreides family came from a noble family that originated in Greece on Earth, and that they rose to prominence during the Butlerian Jihad. House Atreides specifically claimed descent from King Agamemnon, a son of Atreus, in Greek mythology. The descendants of Atreus are called "Atreides" (plural "Atreidai", Latinized as "Atreidae") in the Greek language. This Royal House included many significant figures in Greek myth.   The Atreides have been a house since for Great Convention and the creation of the Empire. They are cousins to House Corrino. Famously, an Atriedes banashed a Harkonnan for treason after the Battle of Corino, thus begining the great emnity between the Atreides and the Harkonnan.   House Atreides maintains the planetary fief of Caladan and has their center of operation on the planet, which they have also ruled for twenty generations. House Atreides has perfected a form of government that resulted in a well-organized society and a spiritually satisfied people. Furthermore, House Atreides keeps Caladan a lush, prosperous paradise with relatively low industrial levels, in stark contrast to House Harkonnen's capital, Giedi Prime. However, the House is also proficient in war; it maintains Swordmasters, Warmasters and Mentats to train and lead their army, and has even developed its own Battle Language.   The current ruler is Duke Achillus Atreides III  


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