House Harkonnan

House Harkonnen is a Great House during the time of the Padishah Emperors. Their capital is Giedi Prime, a heavily industrialised planet with a low photosynthetic potential. House Harkonnen is most famous for its underhanded and sinister political tactics, and for an ancient feud it maintains with another Great House, House Atreides. In addition, House Harkonnen has a reputation for ambition, malevolence, hatred and brutality. It is truled by a Siridar Baron.   The Harkonnen name is believed to originate in what was northern Europe on ancient Earth, and the region of Earth called Suomi, also Finland. It has been suggested that the Harkonnen name comes from Sweden as a derivation of Hakkon - but it is likely that it is indeed from Finland, as Härkönen is an ancient Finnish name. Moreover, the family name Härkönen is derived from the Finnish word härkä which means ox.   After many centuries toiling as a House Minor, Harkonnen influence gradually rose within the Landsraad, due mostly to shrewd manipulation of the whale fur market.   House Harkonnen has built its power on maximising production output, and minimising production expenses by ignoring economically ethical behaviour. Indeed, Harkonnen governing is based upon a simple foundation of fear and terror. They are used in governance, in the day-to-day running of the Harkonnen household, and in controlling the Harkonnen armies. With a social order based on treachery and punishment, soldiers rise through the ranks through deceit, trickery and, if necessary, assassination.   The current ruler is Baron Gravil Harkonnan.  


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