House Kemic

A Great House of the Landsraad, House Kemic currently hold the siridar fief on Arrakis. They are charged with mining the spice, with a set quote per standard year. The Kemic have been on Arrakis for over 60 years. The Kemic rule of the Governer's palace in Arrakeen. They also maintain a presence in the outpost town of Carthag. Early on they established an alliance with House Cul'thir to assist with spice mining. The Cul'thir work out of Tsimpo another outpost town some 300 kilometers from Arrakeen.   House Kemic is ruled by the Archduchess Edal Kumic.   The Kemic home world is Arvest II, a world with no oceans, but many smaller lakes and seas. The Kemic grow a grain called quatrotriticale that is a staple food for many in the Imperium.


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