Lunar Conjunction Festival

Autome 20th, 22221

Lunar Conjunction Festival

It is said that some time after the cataclysm the gnomes of the The Fiery Isle were able to surface from The Cradle. During the night, they wandered the desolate wasteland surrounded by magma. After many years of looking up into the night sky, they saw all the moons lined up in the sky, pointing to a Jetty with a large cave entrance on it. The gnomes say this was a sign from Mimera telling them to make this their new home. That same site is now the location of Lockgear. Now every year, all across the continent, everyone gives thanks and praise to the goddess.
This holiday is celebrated by the entire continent of Draqua. Citizens all across the Bregritopia Empire look forward to this massive eight-day event all year.
As the time grows near the celebration, most towns and cities will start to set up in a commons area to hold the festival. In the commons area, you will find plenty of vendors selling their wares or delicacies. There is generally music, street performers, plays, and other performances going on all the time. Many a vendor has made half a year's income or more during this time. All of the entertainment provided during the festival is about either Mimera or the Tale of the Moon Goddess.


This festival was originally celebrated by the gnomes that were trapped on the The Fiery Isle. After Bawippar the Historian discovered the Dragonborn on the isle and started to teach the fledgling race. They also adopted this festival and as the Bregritopia Empire expanded across the continent so do its celebration. When the gnomes completed Lockgear they felt that their Citizenship Ceremony fell right into the festivities. Out of settlements across the empire Lockgear is where the largest celebration is. There are many a people that would love a chance to cross the Rocking Sea and see their celebration for themselves.


On the first night of the festival, there is always some retelling of the Tale of the Moon Goddess to start the festivities. This retelling will take any artistic approach that any given city chooses that year. Each year any given city always tries to top the ceremony from the year before. During this time, no other activity takes place. It is considered a great honor to be in attendance for the festival's first event in the larger cities.
After this, the rest of the town comes to life with magical lights, merriment, and music throughout the night. As the sun rises, it becomes time to sleep and prepare for the next night. This behavior continues until the final night. For this night, each local has their own special last night of ceremonies. For example, in Lockgear, all of the bloodink viles for the following year are presented to the different families.

Components and tools

Symbols, banners, and other paraphernalia can be found throughout the city dedicated to Mimera or the Tale of the Moon Goddess. As well, many private and family sacrifices are performed for the goddess.


Whoever is in charge of any given settlement is responsible for planning and preparing for the festival each year. On more than one occasion, a city mayor did not do a good job and ended up looking for a new job or barely escaping the city with their life.


As the year starts to end, all the moons of Dungar line up in the sky. The culmination of the conjunction happens when all the moons are also full during this yearly event. This occurs on the first day of the year. This festival is celebrated over the period starting on the 25th of Omega through the new year ending on the 4th day of Goforth.
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