Aelia Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Aelia (AEE-lee-uh)

Aelia is the manager of The Yellow Swan, though she isn't the owner and doesn't live there. A friendly half-elven woman who has befriended the heroes, she keeps them apprised of anything they might find interesting. Her elderly human father is a farmer outside the northern part of town.   She recently didn't come into work for her shift, which is unusual but not completely unheard of. Her father had not heard any plans for leaving and is now worried. The heroes investigated her house and found the front door locked but the back door unlocked and the house undisturbed except for her personal belongings seemingly hurriedly removed. Governor Malvus Domitia has been notified of her disappearance.   Most recently her father approached Cathan with a letter supposedly written by her that was delivered with a bunch of other mail by a trader for the tavern owner in Pompelo. In it she explains that she had to travel for tavern supplies, but her father claimed that it wasn't her handwriting and the group discovers the letter would have been sent several days before she even disappeared.
Current Status
Early middle-aged
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by DALL-E
Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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