Half Elf Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Half Elf

Half elves find themselves in a unique place in the world and their attitudes— and attitudes towards them— are as broad as the horizon. They live longer than their human kin but much shorter than their elven kin and that disparity can easily color the attitudes of the dominant culture any half elf may find themselves in. A half elf may be admired as a symbol of unity in one town and a shameful reminder of broken traditions in the next. How this affects any individual is anyone’s guess, but one thing is sure: a half elf is never in for a dull ride.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Since humans and elves are biologically similar it can sometimes be hard to distinguish a half elf from either side of their lineage. The range of their heights is the same as humans and trend only slightly lithesome, indistinguishable from fairer humans. As there is rarely a long lineage of half elves there is no consistent biology beyond a blending of that of their parents’. They are able to see in the dark.   Skin tones vary similarly to humans from nearly obsidian dark to alabaster fair with similarly pink, yellow, or olive undertones. Freckles are rare but possible in every skin tone. Their ears are only slightly pointed and not at all elongated as an elf’s are and could easily be hidden if desired. Their facial features reflect both sides of their lineage and can be hard to place, leading to an “exotic” look no matter where they are from. Eye colors have the same range as humans but are often more saturated in color, and elvish colors may appear infrequently especially in the presence of magic. All hair textures are possible and colors mostly match those of humans but may appear more brightly in the presence of magic. Their hair whitens with age and typically does not fall out. Males are able to grow some facial hair but nothing as robust as most human males.
Approximately 120 years
Average Height
5ft - 6.5ft
Average Weight
100lbs - 200lbs


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