Blink Dog Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Blink Dog

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Blink dogs are a similar size to coyotes or large domestic dogs but smaller than wolves. Their fur is dense and fluffy to tolerate the cooler northern temperatures and is a dull blond color. They have sharp teeth and claws like other canines, dense tails, and upright ears.  

What sets them apart most clearly from other wild canines is their fuchsia eyes that flash with light when they teleport. They have the ability to teleport short distances they can see, about 60ft. When teleporting they leave a small puff of indeterminate fuchsia smoke in their wake and it accompanies them as they reappear. The manner in which they can perform this feat is unknown and it seems to cause them an amount of stress as they rarely do it in rapid succession, preferring to walk or run when not under duress or hunting.

Ecology and Habitats

Blink dogs have been found primarily in the thinner northern forests of Delyn Wyn to the east of the central mountain range. Though they prefer to hunt in more open places where they can teleport into clear areas their native habitat has always depended on the presence of space spirits. Since the majority of Delyn Wyn is forested they all tend to congregate to the north where the trees are naturally fewer.


They tend to avoid humanoids but are not generally hostile towards them. They aren't particularly territorial and have been known to work together with other packs they run across when hunting if there is enough prey to feed them all.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They work together in small packs of one or two family units to hunt and raise their young. Their extremely stubborn temperament prevents more than a few dogs to form packs, leading individuals or small groups to split off from the pack when conflicts arise.


Blink dogs have resisted all attempts at domestication due to their stubborn streaks and their ability to teleport beyond fencing.

Average Intelligence

They are highly intelligent canines, surpassing even the most easily-trained domestic dogs. This makes them fiercesome pack hunters. They are not, however, sapient and do not possess language or the ability to use tools.

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