The Republic of Campmagni Organization in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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The Republic of Campmagni

Campmagni is the newest but by far the largest civilization and where the humans and halflings make their home. The territory spans over more than half of the continent, from the beachy shores to the west to the rocky mountains along the east, from the cold tundra of the northern shores to the dry deserts of the south. Between these biomes is the fertile plains the republic was named for and where most of the 20 million citizens make their homes.   When The Calamity struck the Republic of Campmagni fared the best with fewer casualties than The Kingdom of Delyn Wyn and less destruction than The Kingdom of Slibro; what the consuls do with this situation is anyone's guess.


The government is run by The Senate comprised of 200 aristocrats elected by their peers who reside in the capital city. Among these senators are elected three Consuls to lead in six year terms that overlap by two years. Once their term ends consuls are returned to the non-governing aristocratic class and must run for electing again to reenter the senate. Settlements are governed by aristocrats sent from the capital to be mayors, often either as a form of relaxing retirement for elderly senators or as a soft exile for those disliked by their peers.


Family is the bedrock of social structure with households usually containing married partners and their unmarried children of any age, as well as elderly parents who can no longer care for themselves and occasionally other relatives. All humans who live within the republic are eligible to be citizens either by birth or naturalization and are granted rights and protections as well as being bound by the laws of the state. Only those of the aristocratic class are permitted to vote and moving into and out of this class is extremely difficult as it is a birthright and marrying outside one's class is highly frowned upon. This social immobility is often the cause of humans' reputation for wanderlust since many prefer to explore the world outside their social class.  
Most republic citizens are farmers or herders and live within a few miles of cities. Those who work in the fields are usually only somewhat literate, knowing simple writing and arithmetic necessary for running their farms efficiently. Weekly market days are the primary social events in towns and villages when all the local farmers gather to trade their goods and catch up with friends and gossip. Larger cities have shopping and leisure districts full of theaters, music halls, restaurants, and other entertainments for the wealthy to spend their free time and wealth.


Campmagni is considered the bread basket of the continent with large fields and plains for growing crops, grains, and raising livestock. They grow enough to supply their own population as well as feeding the kingdoms of Slibro and Delyn Wyn in exchange for tools and luxury goods. As such they are the wealthiest of the three major states and protect their wealth with a strong military along their borders. A navy is in beginning to grow in the western coast in anticipation of future exploration and potentially expansion if certain senators have their way.

Demography and Population

The vast majority of Campmagni citizens are humans. A notable minority of halflings are scattered throughout the republic, typically in self-isolated pockets in hilly hamlets that existed before the republic was established. Half elves are rare in the world but most likely to be found in Campagni along with their elven parents if they remained in their lives. Dwarven and some elven expatriates are uncommon and most likely to be found along the eastern border.


The republic officially stretches from the mountain range in the east to the coast on the west. The northern and southern borders are less well-defined: the cold northern lands are of minimal value so the exact border is fuzzy, and the southern deserts are too harsh to settle, occupied only by nomads with no intention of settling down.

Foreign Relations

  • Traditionally Campmagni trades food to The Kingdom of Slibro in exchange for metals found in the mountains. Since The Calamity Slibro has not received the aid it believes Campmagni can afford to provide and the relationship between nations is beginning to strain.
  • Though separated by the mountain range Campmagni and The Kingdom of Delyn Wyn have been on friendly terms as trading partners: Delyn sends their magical timber in exchange for grain, considered luxury goods by each others' cultures. Since The Calamity Delyn has been mostly cut off from the human kingdom and communication has been difficult.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

20 million

Cover image: by evondue