Denpalus Settlement in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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A small city along the trade routes of The Republic of Campmagni, Denpalus is the last major landlocked settlement before reaching the western coast. As such Denpalus is a popular trading city for moving goods from the coast towards the capitol as well as hunters from the northern regions of the continent. This is the city where the heroes met and began their journey together.


Denpalus stands as the last major city before the coastal trading hubs and is therefore moderately wealthy. The wealth gap is fairly small compared to larger cities and abject poverty is very low. Humans make up the majority of the citizens with a few halflings working service jobs within the city or farming in the hinterlands. As it is a trading city there are a higher than usual number of service- and craftsmen.

Points of interest

  1. Town Hall
  2. The Rose Tavern: The most popular tavern
  3. Vale Garden: The wealthiest neighborhood
  4. The Yellow Swan Tavern: The nicest tavern
A small city in The Republic of Campmagni.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALL-E