Halfling Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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The tiny halflings are constantly aware of their size and know how to use it to their advantage. They find it easy to blend into their surroundings by either hiding in their environment or knowing just how to talk their way out of trouble. Their adaptable nature lends itself to an easygoing lifestyle: they rarely seek to build large empires or conquest and generally prefer to enter the safer sides of their own or others’ societies or striking out on their own on a nomadic path. Their generally uncomplicated lifestyles may lead other races to believe them to be lazy, but there is something to be admired about desiring stability and freedom.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Halflings are often overlooked in the world and— due to their diminutive size— most prefer it that way. They are the smallest race with even dwarves towering over them by nearly a foot and a good hundred pounds. Their slight frame leads most halflings to prefer a stable life in a safe location, though some also prefer a nomadic lifestyle since it doesn’t take much to sustain their tiny bodies. Males and females are more or less the same size and weight. Their feet are proportionally large for their bodies and usually have thick soles that rarely require additional coverings like shoes; males will often but not always have notably hairy feet. They are unable to see in the dark.   Halflings can have a wide variety of skin tones due to their adaptable nature and they tend to have yellow or olive undertones. Freckles and tans are common as they often spend a great deal of time outdoors farming or traveling. Their facial features generally vary similarly to humans’ but may appear slightly exaggerated; what constitutes a large nose on a human may be normal on a halfling while a large halfling’s nose would look absurd on a human. Halfling ears are slightly pointed and slightly larger than humans' but broader than elves'. Their eyes have the same range of color as humans with a higher rate of darker greens and rarely appear bright colors around magic. Their hair is generally thick and waves are the most common texture, though straight and coily textures are also possible. Hair colors are most commonly black to light brown with a trend toward golden tones but reds can happen. Their hair whitens with age and many males lose the hair on their head in old age. Males are capable of growing long sideburns down to their jawlines but other facial hair is only seen in elderly males.
Approximately 120 years
Average Height
3ft - 4ft
Average Weight
30lbs - 40lbs
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