Human Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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In the vast world you will find no greater variation than among the humans. From islands to mountains, from plains to valleys, as long as there is sunlight and water you will find humankind. Their lives are shorter than most of the other peoples of the world and they are keenly aware of it; settlements and institutions change and renew quickly so cultures vary widely. What may be seen as impatience or overambition to the longer-lived peoples of the world are considered virtues by those who wish to experience all the world has to offer through the less than a century they have in life.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans' physical appearances vary as much as their spirits. They are among the tallest of the common races, surpassing elves in many cases down to barely taller than dwarves. Their build varies on what region they're found in as they're particularly adaptable to their climate over a short number of generations. Those living in dense jungles may be nimble to weave between the trees while those in the mountains may be sturdy to scale the rocky terrain. Females are typically slightly shorter and smaller than males. They are unable to see in the dark.   Skin tones range from nearly obsidian dark to alabaster fair with undertones of pink, yellow, or olive. Most tones tan darker in the sun and freckles are common in lighter tones but sometimes found in medium and darker ones. They have a broad range of facial features even within different ethnicities; they typically have less fine features than elves but less broad than dwarves or some halflings. Eye colors are mostly shades of brown with blue or green being somewhat common in fairer humans, but may rarely appear in a broader array of colors in the presence of magic. Hair textures range from straight to coily, thin to thick, or no hair at all. Hair color is most commonly black and dark brown and can be as light as platinum blond with shades of orange and red being fairly rare but not unheard of. Much like eye color a wider range of colors are rarely seen in the presence of magic. Most humans' hair turns gray to white as they age. Most males are capable of growing facial hair and styles vary widely between cultures.
Approximately 80 years
Average Height
5ft - 6.5ft
Average Weight
120lbs - 250lbs
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