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The Whispered One

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Alternate Names: Vecna
Category: Betrayer Gods
Domains: Arcana, Death, Knowledge
Pantheon: Exandria
Province: Necromancy, secrets
Symbol: A light gold circular holy symbol with an upside-down five-pointed star. Sitting atop the star is a skull with one lone green light smoking from its left eye.   The pain of defeat is cruel indeed. Twenty-four years ago, a cult known as the Remnants rose up against the world, led by an undead archmage known as the Whispered One. This lich had toiled in secret for years within the Plane of Shadow, constructing the towering citadel of Thar Amphala there, while secretly spreading his poison throughout the storied lands of Issylra. His goal was simple: repeat the lost rites of ascension that The Matron of Ravens used in the Age of Arcanum to become a god—and this time, to be on the opposite side of the Divine Gate, so that he could rule the world.   His ascension was successful, but the new god was ultimately banished behind the Divine Gate by the intervention of Vox Machina. Their victory, though grand, was not complete. The Remnants, though bloodied, still venerate their spited master with offerings of secrets and unwilling souls to gain his favor.   The Whispered One is a god of hidden things, and the occult remnants of his followers prey upon those who harbor dark secrets, stoking their fears and driving them into his skeletal embrace. He also is a patron of undeath, and upon those who lavish him with their worship, he bestows the keys to creating ever-greater monstrosities.   Depiction. The Whispered One is a picture of sepulchral self-mutilation. Those faithful who saw him at Thar Amphala describe him as an unnaturally tall, gaunt humanoid with necrotic skin stretched taut over his bones, wrapped in robes of shadow, and adorned with jeweled talismans.   Divine Domains. Many of the Whispered One's clerics are granted powers of Arcana, Death, or Knowledge.   Enemies. The Whispered One now despises all the gods who stood in his way by anointing members of Vox Machina as their champions. The Dawnfather, The Everlight, The Knowing Mentor, and The Matron of Ravens all contributed to his defeat, and his Remnants are hell-bent on subverting their mortal followings. He also harbors resentment for the Moonweaver, who benevolently blesses the keepers of benign secrets, robbing him of followers.

Commandments of the Whispered One

  • Learn all you can, and keep hidden that which you know. Reveal what pieces you must, but never the whole.
  • Express and cultivate the evil within yourself, and in doing so, recognize it in others to exploit them for your own benefit.
  • Seed the ruin of all who worship other deities, until only those who kneel before the Whispered One remain.
Aligned Organization

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