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Asker (Ask-air / Ask-err)

Asker was the god of war, battle, and glory. He was primarily concerned with force of arms to settle disputes and, dispite his violent nature was known for his sense of honour.  


Asker was portrayed clad in plate armour with a helmet covering his face. The weapons he weilded varied drastically, but usually featured large weapons such as polearms and greatswords. Rarely was his face shown in imagery, as he was believed to always be ready to fight on campaign at a moments notice.


Asker was primarily followed as part of the Tripartite Blades in Anakara. He is also worshipped as part of the Peregrinian Deorum Didymus pantheon in Vahşi Alanlar as one of the dual patron deities of the nation.   His worshippers were most often soldiers of all creeds. His holiday was celebrated on the 24th of Awakening, and was known as the Marching. It marked the period when campaigns which had been forced to pause for winter would resume. Common folk used it to celebrate famous battles, commiserate fallen soldiers, and say goodbye to loved ones heading off for war.
Alignment: Neutral
Domain: War
... whether you rush down from the cloud-capped mountains or deepest valleys, make ready with us, oh mighty Asker! May the campaign come into glory, and the trumpets ever sound to praise you hereafter!
~ A commander's speech to his men before battle