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Tripartite Blades

The Tripartite Blades is a faith which follows the three gods Adalet, Yelken, and Asker. Despite the seemingly violent subject of the religion, the faith primarily concerns itself with the defending of the innocent and honour in battle. Career soldiers and military leaders are marked among the worshippers, although some adventurers and commoners adhere to the tenets of the Tripartite Blades. These soldiers rarely carry weapons that are not bladed, although some do carry bows or crossbows.   Followers of the Tripartite blades are known for being seen armoured and armed even when outside of combat, as the religion requires adherents carry a blade (of any size) in order to always be ready for combat. Congregational followers usually carry blades no larger than daggers, whereas more powerful clergy tend to carry larger bladed weapons.

Mythology & Lore

In the ancient era of a war-torn realm, when chaos reigned and the clash of swords echoed across the lands, a great hero emerged. Known as Varian, this legendary warrior possessed unmatched skill in battle, strategic brilliance, and an unwavering commitment to honor. Varian's name became synonymous with victory, and tales of his heroic exploits spread far and wide.   During a pivotal naval battle against a ruthless enemy armada, Varian found himself facing insurmountable odds. The winds turned against him, and his fleet was on the brink of defeat. In a desperate moment, Varian called upon the gods for aid. With his sword held high, he swore an oath to devote his life and his victories to the divine forces that presided over war, battle, naval combat, honor, and strategy.   Moved by his unwavering faith and exceptional prowess, Yelken, Asker, and Adalet bestowed their favor upon Varian. The winds shifted, and the tides rose to his command. In a spectacular display of divine power, Varian's fleet turned the tide of battle, shattering the enemy armada and securing a resounding victory. From that moment, the Tripartite Blades was born.   Word of Varian's miraculous victory spread rapidly, and warriors and strategists from all corners of the realm flocked to his banner. They sought to learn from his wisdom and emulate his dedication. Temples were erected in Varian's honor, and his teachings were immortalized in sacred scriptures.   As the faith grew, the gods associated with war, battle, naval combat, honor, and strategy became revered as the patrons of this new religion. Worshipers prayed for their guidance, invoked their names in battle, and sought their divine blessings in times of war. The tenets of the Tripartite Blades were established, guiding its followers to seek valor, naval mastery, honor, strategic brilliance, and divine favor.   Through the ages, the Tripartite Blades continued to inspire warriors, leaders, and tacticians. Its influence shaped the realm's history, as its followers rose to prominence on the battlefield, crafted grand naval fleets, and devised ingenious strategies that determined the outcomes of wars.   To this day, the Tripartite Blades endures, its temples standing as bastions of martial devotion, and its followers carrying on the legacy of Varian and the divine pantheon. It is a religion of warriors, where the clash of swords and the whistle of arrows echo the eternal call to embrace battle, honor, and strategy in the pursuit of greatness.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Tripartite Blades:
  1. Valor in Battle. Embrace the crucible of conflict, for it is through the fires of war that the true worth of a warrior is forged. Seek glory in combat, and let your deeds inspire awe and fear in equal measure. Victory is the ultimate testament to your devotion.
  2. Naval Mastery. Recognize the power and majesty of the seas and the art of naval combat. The waves are both a formidable ally and a relentless foe. Honor the gods of the deep and hone your skills upon the vast expanse of the ocean, for the tides of battle can change in an instant.
  3. Code of Honor. Uphold a strict code of honor and conduct, for without integrity, victory loses its meaning. Show respect to your comrades, whether they stand beside you in battle or command you from afar. Treat your foes with dignity, granting them a warrior's death, and demand the same in return.
  4. Strategic Brilliance. Recognize the importance of strategy and cunning in warfare. Understand that victory is not solely determined by brute strength, but also by a well-devised plan. Study the art of tactics, anticipate your enemy's moves, and strike with precision. Adapt and overcome, for the cleverest strategist shapes the battlefield to their advantage.
  5. Divine Favor. Seek the blessings of the gods of war, battle, naval combat, honor, and strategy. Through prayer, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion, establish a connection with the divine. Offer homage to these deities, and they shall grant you their favor in times of need. Trust in their guidance and draw upon their strength to achieve greatness.
  Remember, these tenets form the foundation of the Tripartite Blades. Adhere to them faithfully, and may the gods of battle smile upon your endeavors.


The Code of Honour for the Tripartite Blades:
  • Embrace valor and courage in all endeavors. Face adversity with unwavering resolve and meet challenges on the battlefield with unyielding determination. Fear not the path of conflict, for it is through bravery that true victories are won.
  • Uphold integrity and honor above all else. Conduct yourself with unwavering honesty, fairness, and respect. Treat allies and foes alike with dignity, adhering to the principles of fair play and honorable combat. Let your actions be a testament to your character, for a true warrior's worth is measured not only by their skill but also by their integrity.
  • Cultivate loyalty and foster a sense of brotherhood among comrades. Stand by your fellow warriors in times of triumph and adversity. Protect and support one another on and off the battlefield, for united we stand, divided we fall. Let the bonds forged in battle be unbreakable, and let the strength of unity carry us to victory.
  • Cultivate wisdom and embrace the art of strategy. Study the art of war, learn from the past, and adapt to the ever-changing tides of conflict. Employ clever tactics, anticipate your enemy's moves, and exploit their weaknesses. Let your mind be as sharp as your blade, for strategic brilliance shapes the destiny of battles.
  • Show respect for the value of life, even amidst the chaos of war. While the battlefield may be stained with blood, strive to minimize unnecessary suffering. Grant a warrior's death to your foes, for they too deserve respect and honor. Cherish the lives of your comrades and protect the innocent, for the gods of war favor those who fight with righteousness and compassion.
  By adhering to this Code of Honor, followers of the Tripartite Blades uphold the highest ideals of martial discipline, integrity, and strategic brilliance. Through their conduct and devotion, they become exemplars of the gods' virtues, ensuring the faith's legacy of honor and triumph continues to shape the realms of war.


In the faith of the Tripartite Blades, worship is a dynamic blend of martial devotion, strategic contemplation, and sacred rituals. The faithful engage in everyday practices, regular rituals, and meaningful traditions that strengthen their connection with the gods and embody the virtues of the faith. Here are some common aspects of worship in this religion:
  • Morning Prayers and Side Arm. The faithful begin each day with prayers of gratitude and devotion. At sunrise, they face the direction of the rising sun—a symbol of the gods' favor—and offer prayers for strength, wisdom, and victory in the battles ahead. These prayers are accompanied by the raising of a blade which is then cerimoniously afixed to the body where it remains until the night. The side arm is worn so that, if required, one may fight injustice at a moments notice.
  • Study and Reflection. The followers of the faith engage in the study treatises on strategy and historical accounts of legendary battles. They reflect upon the teachings of the gods and the tactical brilliance of the past. Scholars and strategists within the faith often gather in study groups or academies to deepen their understanding of warfare, tactics, and the divine principles.
  • Martial Training. As a faith intertwined with warfare, martial training holds a central place in the worship of the gods. The faithful regularly engage in physical training and combat exercises, honing their skills with weapons, naval maneuvers, and tactical formations. These training sessions are seen as acts of devotion and a means to prepare oneself for the challenges of battle.
  • Offering Rituals. Worshipers offer rituals and sacrifices to the gods as a means of seeking their favor and guidance. These offerings can range from simple libations of water or wine, representing the sea and spilt blood respectively. More elaborate ceremonies involving the symbolic representation of battles and naval conquests can be performed through the burning of wooden models. The latter rituals are conducted in temples or sacred spaces dedicated to the deities, with priests leading the ceremonies.
  • Festivals and Ceremonies. The faith celebrates various festivals and ceremonies throughout the year to commemorate significant battles, military triumphs, and the anniversaries of revered warriors. These events bring the faithful together in joyous gatherings filled with martial displays, tactical competitions, processions, and grand feasts. The festivals serve to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie, inspire martial pride, and reinforce the values of the faith.
  • Pilgrimages. The devout undertake pilgrimages to sacred sites associated with pivotal battles, legendary warriors, or significant naval victories. These pilgrimages provide an opportunity for reflection, prayer, and communion with the divine. Pilgrims seek to draw inspiration from the hallowed ground and to reinforce their connection with the gods and their fellow worshipers.
  • War Hymns and Chants. Chanting war hymns and reciting sacred verses is a common practice during both individual devotions and communal gatherings. These hymns extol the virtues of the gods, recount legendary battles, and invoke divine blessings. The rhythmic chanting of these hymns serves to elevate the spirit and instill a sense of martial fervor.
  It's important to note that the specific practices, rituals, and traditions within the Tripartite Blades may vary among different regions. However, the overarching theme remains the same: the integration of martial discipline, strategic brilliance, and divine devotion into everyday worship, ultimately forging a deep connection with the gods of war, battle, naval combat, honor, and strategy.


Within the Tripartite Blades, the Order of the Iron Vanguard stands as the revered priesthood, dedicated to upholding the sacred teachings and guiding the faithful in their devotion to the gods of war, battle, naval combat, honor, and strategy. Comprising skilled warriors, wise strategists, and devout priests, the Order serves as the spiritual backbone of the religion, ensuring that the flame of martial faith burns bright.   The Order of the Iron Vanguard is more than just a religious institution; it is a living embodiment of martial devotion, strategic brilliance, and unwavering faith. Through their guidance, the priesthood ensures that the tenets of the Tripartite Blades are upheld, shaping the destiny of warriors, commanders, and entire nations alike.

Initiates and Novices

The journey to becoming a member of the Order begins with initiates and novices. These are the aspiring acolytes who seek to dedicate their lives to the divine path. Under the guidance of seasoned priests, they undergo rigorous training, both in martial combat and in the study of tactical and strategic arts. Initiates are expected to demonstrate unwavering devotion, discipline, and a deep understanding of the faith's teachings.

Priests and Strategists

Once the initiates have proven themselves worthy, they are ordained as priests and strategists of the Order. As spiritual leaders, they officiate sacred rituals, lead congregations in prayer, and offer guidance to the faithful. They possess profound knowledge of the scriptures, the teachings of the gods, and the nuances of strategy and tactics. Priests are not only spiritual guides but also skilled combatants, able to defend the faithful and lead them on the path of honor and victory.

War Chaplains

A select few within the Order are chosen to serve as war chaplains. These battle-hardened priests accompany warriors and fleets on their campaigns, bringing the divine presence to the forefront of conflict. Clad in sacred armor and wielding blessed weapons, war chaplains inspire courage, bolster morale, and offer blessings to soldiers in the midst of battle. They provide spiritual solace, perform last rites for fallen comrades, and ensure that the gods' favor is invoked on the field of war.

Strategic Council

Within the Order, a council of renowned strategists convenes to share their expertise and shape the faith's broader military and tactical doctrines. Comprising the most brilliant minds in the priesthood, they study historical battles, develop new strategies, and provide counsel to military leaders. Their insights and wisdom influence the direction of the Faith, ensuring its followers remain adaptable and victorious in the face of ever-evolving challenges.

High Marshal

At the apex of the Order stands the High Marshal, the supreme spiritual leader and embodiment of the Faith's ideals. The High Marshal is chosen from among the council of strategists, a visionary leader who exemplifies the virtues of the gods and inspires the faithful through their wisdom and battlefield prowess. The High Marshal's word holds great weight within the realms of both faith and war, guiding the Order and rallying the faithful to triumph.
Symbol of the Tripartite Blades
Religious, Organised Religion
Bladist, Bladed