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Beygir (Bay-gear)

Beygir was the goddess of animal husbandry, farming, and horse riding.  


Beygir was often portrayed as a fit humanoid besides a horse. She was usually shown dressed simply in comfortable trousers and holding tackle.


Beygir is worshipped as a goddess as part of the Harmonious Covenant. She is viewed as a somewhat younger member of the religion, being somewhat more of a wild spirit despite her lawful nature. She is worshipped primarily by pastoral farmers although even arable farmers will pay her heed through their use of work animals. Furthermore, some merchants and travellers pay her heed due to their reliance on horses and other animals for travel.   The holiday celebrating Beygir is known as Yoketide and is celebrated on the 14th of Highsummer. This holiday is not widely celebrated outside of followers of the Harmonious Covenant and farmers. It is used as a day to celebrate the animals who provide for the farmers and therefore the day is spent without the work animals' help; travellers and merchants will pause their travel, farmers will work the land whilst letting the animals rest, and all meals are vegetarian for the day.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domain: Life, Nature