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Harmonious Covenant

The Harmonious Covenant is a religious pantheon consisting of the worship of Eve, Ana, Beygir, and Siftsi. The religion's practices are very open and individualistic, with the primary principles being founded in honouring community, hospitality, and peace through simple and natural living.   The pantheon maintains a priesthood, who are refered to as 'Father', 'Mother', or 'Parent' followed by their first name, although this is also used by all worships to refer to each other. Despite the existence of clerics, beliefs and practices were largely not centralised with little in the way of centralised religious leadership.

Mythology & Lore

During the early days of the Post-Tear era, when the lands were harsh and untamed, a group of weary travelers found themselves lost in the wilderness. Hunger gnawed at their bellies, and despair clouded their hearts as they wandered aimlessly, searching for sustenance and shelter. They were a diverse group, hailing from different backgrounds and races, yet their common struggle united them in a shared desire for solace and security.   It was during this darkest hour that a mysterious figure appeared before them. Cloaked in a robe woven from golden wheat, the stranger radiated an aura of warmth and serenity. They introduced themselves as Elysia, known later as the Daughter of the Harvest, sent by the gods themselves to guide and bless those who were lost.   The Daughter of the Harvest guided the lost travelers to an abundant valley, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush fields. They declared this land a sanctuary, a place where the seeds of the Harmonious Covenant would take root and flourish. The weary wanderers settled there, forging a community dedicated to the tenets they had learned.   As seasons passed, the Covenant's followers worked diligently, tilling the soil and reaping the rewards of their toil. Their harvests were plentiful, and the bounty they shared fostered a sense of unity and prosperity. The community became a haven of peace, where all were welcomed with open arms.   Word of the Harmonious Covenant spread far and wide, attracting the hearts and minds of those seeking solace, stability, and a deep connection to the divine. As the community grew, so did the faith, spreading its roots across the realm.   In time, temples were erected to honor the gods, and festivals were held to celebrate the blessings of the harvest, the joys of family, and the strength of community. The followers of the Harmonious Covenant found purpose in their shared devotion, finding comfort and fulfillment in their sacred bond with the gods of harvest, home, community, peace, farming, and parenting.


The Code of Ethical Conduct for the Harmonious Covenant:
  • Hold all life sacred and treat every being with compassion and kindness. Foster a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living things and strive to minimize harm to both humans and the natural world.
  • Uphold the values of integrity and honesty in all interactions. Be truthful and transparent, honoring your word and acting with sincerity. Avoid deceit and manipulation, promoting trust and fostering a culture of authenticity within the community.
  • Advocate for justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Treat others equitably, without discrimination or prejudice based on race, gender, social status, or any other arbitrary factor. Stand against oppression and work towards creating a society where all individuals have equal opportunities and rights.
  • Seek harmony and cooperation in relationships and communities. Strive to resolve conflicts peacefully, promoting understanding and empathy. Foster a spirit of collaboration, valuing diverse perspectives and working towards shared goals that benefit the collective well-being.
  • Embrace the responsibility of stewardship towards the earth's resources. Care for the land, water, and air, practicing sustainable and mindful practices. Strive to live in balance with nature, minimizing waste, and promoting environmental preservation for the benefit of present and future generations.
  • Cherish and nurture relationships, fostering love, support, and understanding within families and communities. Promote healthy parenting and caregiving, ensuring the well-being and development of children. Honor the bonds of kinship and friendship, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.
  • Cultivate compassion and empathy towards all beings. Seek to understand the experiences and perspectives of others, extending empathy and support to those in need. Act with kindness and generosity, offering a helping hand and promoting the welfare of others.
  • Engage in continuous personal growth and self-reflection. Strive for self-improvement, recognizing and learning from mistakes. Embrace introspection and mindfulness to develop a deeper connection with the divine and cultivate inner peace.
  • Embrace nonviolence and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Advocate for dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation, seeking alternatives to aggression and hostility. Encourage forgiveness and healing, fostering a culture of peace within oneself and the community.
  • Embrace a spirit of service and contribute to the well-being of others and the community. Engage in acts of charity, support charitable causes, and lend a helping hand to those in need. Strive to make a positive impact and uplift the lives of others.
  The Code of Ethical Conduct of the Harmonious Covenant provides a moral framework that guides the actions and behaviors of its followers, promoting a harmonious and compassionate way of life that reflects the teachings of the gods of harvest, home, community, peace, farming, and parenting.


Worship in the Harmonious Covenant is a deeply personal and communal experience, blending everyday practices, rituals, and traditions to foster a connection with the divine. Here are some of the key aspects of worship within this religion:
  • Daily Reflection and Gratitude. Followers of the Harmonious Covenant often begin their day with a moment of reflection and gratitude. They express gratitude for the blessings of the gods, the abundance of the earth, and the relationships and opportunities in their lives. This practice helps cultivate mindfulness and sets a positive tone for the day ahead.
  • Communal Gatherings. Regular communal gatherings are an integral part of worship within the Harmonious Covenant. These gatherings provide an opportunity for the faithful to come together, share experiences, and deepen their connection with one another and the gods. Such gatherings include prayer, hymns, storytelling, and sharing of meals.
  • Festivals and Seasonal Celebrations. The Harmonious Covenant observes a variety of festivals and seasonal celebrations, honoring the gods and expressing gratitude for the cycles of life and nature. These celebrations often coincide with significant agricultural events, such as planting, harvests, and the changing of seasons. Festivals typically involve feasting, music, dance, and rituals specific to the occasion, allowing the community to come together in joyous reverence.
  • Personal Devotions. Personal devotional practices are encouraged within the Harmonious Covenant. Individuals may have personal shrines or sacred spaces in their homes, where they offer prayers, light candles, burn incense, or engage in meditation. Devotees may also engage in personal rituals or acts of service as an expression of their faith, such as tending to a garden, volunteering in the community, or practicing acts of kindness.
  • Rites of Passage. The Harmonious Covenant acknowledges and sanctifies significant life events and transitions. Births, marriages, and deaths are marked with special ceremonies that invoke the blessings of the gods. These rites of passage may involve prayers, blessings, the exchange of symbolic items, and the presence of the community to provide support and celebrate these important moments.
  • Study and Reflection. The pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth is highly valued within the Harmonious Covenant. Followers engage in the study of teachings and stories passed down by other Harmonites. Personal introspection and self-reflection are also encouraged to deepen one's connection with the divine.
  • Acts of Service. Service to others is considered a form of worship in the Harmonious Covenant. Followers are encouraged to engage in acts of charity, compassion, and kindness, both within their community and in the wider world. Volunteering, supporting those in need, and promoting social justice are seen as ways to honor the gods and embody the values of the faith.
  These practices, rituals, and traditions are not meant to be exhaustive but provide a framework for the worship and spiritual engagement within the Harmonious Covenant. The specific details and variations of these practices may differ among different communities and individuals, but the underlying focus on connection, gratitude, harmony, and service remains central to the faith.


The priesthood of the Harmonious Covenant plays a minor role in the religious practices and spiritual guidance of its followers, with Harmonites generally believing that a central priesthood isn't required to live well. The Parents of the faith acted more as community leaders and as respected 'elder' figures.   The priesthood of the Harmonious Covenant, the Parents, serves as the spiritual backbone of the faith, guiding and nurturing the community through their wisdom, rituals, and compassionate leadership. They ensure the continuous connection between mortals and the divine, fostering a harmonious existence that aligns with the gods of harvest, home, community, peace, farming, and parenting.

Initiation and Training

The path to becoming a Parent is one of dedication and study. Aspiring priests undergo an initiation process, where they demonstrate their commitment to the values of the Harmonious Covenant. They rarely gain the title officially but rather demonstrate their commitment to their faith and upholding the tenets of the Harmonious Covenant and thus are treated with respect and reverence.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Parents officiate over a range of rituals and ceremonies that mark significant life events, such as births, weddings, and funerals. They conduct prayers and invocations, lead communal worship, and facilitate sacred rites related to harvests, community gatherings, and familial blessings. Harmonites are skilled in creating meaningful and inclusive ceremonies that bring the community closer to the divine.

Spiritual Guidance and Counseling

Parents serve as spiritual guides, offering counsel and support to individuals and families within the community. They provide a compassionate ear, helping others navigate personal challenges, fostering emotional well-being, and promoting harmonious relationships. Parents offer advice rooted in the teachings of the faith, encouraging individuals to live in alignment with the principles of the Harmonious Covenant.

Community Leaders

As spiritual leaders, Parents take an active role in fostering community cohesion and well-being. They organize and lead community events, promote charitable acts, and encourage members to engage in acts of service. Harmonites act as mediators during conflicts, striving to find peaceful resolutions and promote reconciliation. They embody the values of the Harmonious Covenant and inspire others to do the same.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics of the Harmonious Covenant are quite common, particularly those of Life, Nature, and Peace. They are often the Parents of the faith and strive to bring the communities together through upholding their beliefs.   Paladins who uphold this faith are somewhat rare, usually only being Oaths of Ancients or Redemption. They tend to act as town guards or wilderness rangers. They are somewhat rare though as the concept of violence and war is contrary to the tenets of the Harmonites.   Druids are common worshippers of this faith, especially more 'urban' druids due to the religions respect for nature and belief that it shouldn't be missused.


Due to the personal nature of the faith, there are few defined sects in any meaningful sense. As is common amongst the wider Human Pantheon worship, people tend to favour one of the four deities of the Harmonious Covenant.   Those who favour Eve tend to emphasise the importance of community and unity. They encourage collective worship and finding peace within settlements and find followers from huge swaths of commoners.  Ana's favoured tend to may carve their living as midwives, wet nurses, or other roles caring for children. They favour the pastoral and educational facets of the faith. Harmonites who closely follow Siftsi  or Beygir are largely indistinguishable for outsiders, as they both highlight the importance of farming and agriculture within the faith. Many farmers emphasise these two deities in their role within the Covenant.   Merhamet is often also worshipped alongside worship of the Harmonious Covenant, despite not being a member of the pantheon. His principles of sacrifice and martyrdom are looked positively by many Harmonites as an example of dedication to the wider community of all peoples.
Edict: care for your home and family, keep the peace, protect the community, take in those without families

Anathema: abandon your home in its time of need, choose yourself over your community, tell lies

Follower Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Religious, Organised Religion